Exclusive: Marvel Reveals Major Phase 5 Storyline for Captain Marvel Breakout Character

Exclusive: Marvel Reveals Major Phase 5 Storyline for Captain Marvel Breakout Character

Marvel Studios faces another spoiler leak as the Funko Pops line-up for The Marvels hints at a potentially game-changing development involving Goose, Captain Marvel's breakout character Brace yourself for a revelation that could trigger another Secret Invasion and ignite a fresh Kree war

One of the MCU's most beloved characters from Captain Marvel will make a comeback in The Marvels, and Marvel has already revealed their story ahead of Brie Larson's return as Carol Danvers in November 2023. This continues the trend of leaks and spoilers plaguing modern superhero productions, even including some major information from Marvel's own marketing campaigns. Deadpool 3 is the latest Marvel movie to fall victim to this trend, with the official release of Wolverine's yellow suit and Jennifer Garner's return as Elektra.

The spoiler for The Marvels takes a different approach from Marvel Studios' usual marketing strategy, which has been a struggle since the early phases of the MCU. Toy reveals have been a significant issue in the past, with LEGO and other toy licensing deals giving away story details through merchandise and toy sets, despite the absence of any actual footage.

Now Goose, Captain Marvel's breakout cat/Flerken - who gained immense popularity leading Marvel to heavily feature her in marketing - is facing a similar predicament, as Funko has recently announced that Carol Danver's furry companion will be expecting "kittens" in the upcoming film, The Marvels. Despite seeming like a minor revelation, if we refer to Marvel Comics, this disclosure could potentially hold significant narrative consequences.

Goose's Story Could Reveal Another Secret Invasion & A New Kree War

Exclusive: Marvel Reveals Major Phase 5 Storyline for Captain Marvel Breakout Character

Marvel Comics has showcased the Flerken "kittens" storyline on multiple occasions. Notably, Captain Marvel's surprising discovery that her beloved pet cat was actually a Flerken happened when it laid eggs after years of Captain Marvel being unaware of its true nature. Furthermore, in Marvel Action: Captain Marvel #3, an intriguing Kree scheme was unveiled, involving the breeding of Flerkens and distributing them as adorable pets to various planets. The intention behind this devious plan was to utilize the Flerken sleeper agents, who would be seamlessly integrated into unsuspecting communities until being "awakened" by the Kree's signal, compelling them to turn against their unsuspecting "owners".

There is no indication from the Funko reveal that connects Goose to the Kree. However, her origin remains a mystery. The ending of Captain Marvel hints at the potential return of the Kree to wage war. In The Marvels, Zawe Ashton's character, Kree Dar-Benn, is confirmed as the main antagonist, leading the Accusers in a campaign against the Skrulls, similar to Ronan. The kittens of Goose, on the other hand, raise the unsettling possibility that Captain Marvel may have unknowingly welcomed a deep cover spy among them, who could be activated by unknown Kree leaders at any given time. With the arrival of her offspring, the chances of victory for Captain Marvel could be significantly increased.