Exclusive Leak: Celebrating the Iconic Ubisoft Game with a Jaw-Dropping Anniversary Edition!

Exclusive Leak: Celebrating the Iconic Ubisoft Game with a Jaw-Dropping Anniversary Edition!

Exciting news for fans of an iconic Ubisoft game! A surprise leak reveals a special anniversary edition is in the works, delighting the game's dedicated cult following


Ubisoft is gearing up to launch a special 20th Anniversary Edition of Beyond Good and Evil, an adored action-adventure game renowned for its captivating exploration, intriguing puzzle-solving elements, and thrilling stealth sequences.

According to the ESRB rating, the 20th Anniversary Edition of Beyond Good and Evil is scheduled to launch on PC, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, PS4, and PS5. Given the notable delays of the highly anticipated sequel, this edition is expected to be the sole new installment in the series for the foreseeable future.

According to a recent leak, Ubisoft is planning to release an anniversary edition of Beyond Good and Evil. The game, created by Michel Ancel, will be celebrating its 20th anniversary in November. Beyond Good and Evil is known as one of the standout games of the sixth console generation. It received widespread praise for its unique combination of exploration, puzzle-solving, and stealth gameplay, as well as its visually striking art style and memorable storyline. Despite not yet seeing a sequel, even after 15 years of development struggles, Beyond Good and Evil continues to be considered one of Ubisoft's most exceptional standalone games.

The gaming giant is planning to release a special anniversary edition of its iconic title, Beyond Good and Evil, according to a recent ESRB rating. The rating reveals that the rerelease will be called Beyond Good and Evil 20th Anniversary Edition. Ubisoft intends to bring this edition to multiple platforms including PC, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, PS4, and PS5.

Although the name suggests that the anniversary edition may simply be an enhanced version of Beyond Good and Evil, the ESRB rating indicates that it is suitable for players aged ten and above. This is worth noting because it differs from the Teen rating given to the original game and the 1080p remaster, Beyond Good and Evil HD, released in 2011 for PS3 and Xbox 360. Given that the ESRB rating standards have not significantly changed over the past two decades, it is assumed that the content of the anniversary edition will be identical to the 2003 title.

While not exactly what loyal fans of the original game are hoping for, the Beyond Good and Evil 20th Anniversary Edition is still a welcome addition. However, with Beyond Good and Evil 2 being the most delayed AAA game ever, it seems that this rerelease will be the only "new" addition to Ubisoft's potential series for the foreseeable future.

Beyond Good and Evil won't be the only classic Ubisoft game that will see renewed interest in the coming months. Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, a unique first-person ARPG developed by Arkane Studios in 2006, is also likely to enjoy a similar fate. In fact, a group of modders has received Ubisoft's approval to revive this iconic game with a full-featured modding SDK. They have already released a ray-tracing toolkit for the game and have plans for a co-op mod.

Beyond Good and Evil 20th Anniversary Edition is reportedly in development for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, and Xbox Series X/S.

Source: ESRB