Exclusive Insights: Spider-Man 2 Game Developer Reveals the Future of a Venom Spinoff

Exclusive Insights: Spider-Man 2 Game Developer Reveals the Future of a Venom Spinoff

Spider-Man 2's narrative director delves into the exciting possibility of a standalone Venom game, adding further anticipation to the release of the game on PS5

Even before the official launch of Spider-Man 2, the game's narrative director is already being asked about the possibility of a Venom spin-off. Venom, who plays a significant role in the game according to its promotional materials, has previously had solo adventures in both comics and films. Given the popular villain-turned-anti-hero's history, it wouldn't be surprising if they were to star in their own game.

Spider-Man 2 is currently the highest-rated game in the series, suggesting that the PS5 exclusive is off to a great start. While sales figures are yet to be determined, it's worth noting that the franchise's previous games have sold over 33 million copies, indicating the potential for high sales. Considering everything, it seems that Insomniac, the game developer, has a strong understanding of the Spider-Man universe and has the freedom to pursue whatever they desire, with the support of fans. This could potentially include a solo adventure for the beloved antagonist.

Senior narrative director Jon Paquette discussed the possibility of a Venom spin-off game during an interview with Insider. When directly asked about it, Paquette chose not to reveal much, mentioning that the team will wait for fan reactions. This decision will be made following a period of rest and assessment by the development team after the game is released. It is also worth considering that any potential spin-off might be put on hold while Insomniac focuses on their potentially more mature project, The Wolverine.

Exclusive Insights: Spider-Man 2 Game Developer Reveals the Future of a Venom Spinoff

Paquette discussed how the team drew inspiration from various Venom stories in Marvel Comics, but they also went on to create their own unique rendition. Insomniac's efforts seem to have paid off, as even Venom's co-creator praised their design.

With Insomniac's remarkable portrayal of Venom, it wouldn't be surprising to see the character star in his own thrilling adventure. While Spider-Man 2 shares the highest rating among Insomniac's games to date, each of their games, including Miles' solo game, Spider-Man: Miles Morales, have been well-received by fans and critics alike.

Venom may not necessarily need his own standalone game. Instead, the next installment in the series could allow players to switch between Venom, Miles, and Peter freely, just like in Spider-Man 2. This would enable Venom to have his own thrilling adventure while being a part of the larger Spider-Man 3 storyline. Regardless of how Insomniac chooses to proceed with the character, it is bound to captivate the gaming community. Experience Marvel's Spider-Man 2 exclusively on PS5.

Source: Insider