Exciting Surprises Await for Nurse Chapel's Fiancé in Strange New Worlds

Exciting Surprises Await for Nurse Chapel's Fiancé in Strange New Worlds

Strange New Worlds challenges Chapel and Spock's love story as Roger Korby enters the scene Explore the intriguing musical setup of Nurse Chapel's Star Trek TOS Fiance and discover how this new series is redefining their romance


Nurse Chapel gets an exciting career opportunity in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' musical episode, setting up the arrival of her fiancé Roger Korby.

Chapel's acceptance of a Fellowship of Archaeological Medicine under Doctor Korby poses challenges to Spock and Chapel's romance. The dissolution of their relationship is suggested as the catalyst for Spock's embrace of his Vulcan side in Star Trek: The Original Series.

WARNING: Spoilers ahead for season 2, episode 9 of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, titled "Subspace Rhapsody." In this episode, Nurse Christine Chapel, portrayed by Jess Bush, receives an exciting opportunity that foreshadows the arrival of her fiancé from Star Trek: The Original Series, Roger Korby, played by Michael Strong. Korby was previously seen in the TOS episode "What Are Little Girls Made Of?", where he was discovered after being missing for five years. Commander Spock, played by Leonard Nimoy, described Korby as the "Pasteur of archaeological medicine," a comparison that takes on new meaning as Nurse Chapel considers leaving Spock for Korby.

The romance between Spock and Chapel in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds has faced numerous challenges since they acknowledged their feelings earlier in season 2. In the previous episode, titled "Under the Cloak of War," Christine rejected Spock's attempts to help her cope with her traumatic experiences during the Klingon war. In "Subspace Rhapsody," their relationship faces another obstacle when Chapel accepts a Fellowship of Archaeological Medicine under the supervision of Doctor Roger Korby. Chapel expresses her commitment to her career development, making it clear to Spock in her celebratory song-and-dance number, titled "I'm Ready," that their relationship won't hinder her progress. Spock, in turn, sings a heartbreaking number of his own, titled "I'm the X."

Chapel's Star Trek TOS Fiance Roger Korby & Strange New Worlds' Musical Setup Explained

Exciting Surprises Await for Nurse Chapel's Fiancé in Strange New Worlds

In Star Trek canon, Chapel studied under Doctor Roger Korby and fell in love with him. They were engaged to be married, but their plans were tragically cut short. During an expedition to Exo III, communications between the planet and Starfleet ceased in 2261. Now, in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' musical episode, Chapel and Korby's doomed romance is explored as Christine has the chance to advance her career.

Chapel regards Korby as a "genius" while awaiting news of her fellowship, and this is supported by his groundbreaking work on immunological techniques, which became essential reading at Starfleet Academy. In TOS, it was revealed that Korby's corporeal form died around 2261, two years after the events of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2. It is evident that Chapel and Korby's relationship will be an intense romance that has a lasting impact on Christine and even Spock.

Why Strange New Worlds Is Already Ending Spock & Chapel's Romance

Exciting Surprises Await for Nurse Chapel's Fiancé in Strange New Worlds

Despite the desires of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds fans for a longer-lasting romance between Spock and Chapel, the couple face obstacles due to the limitations of Star Trek canon. In Star Trek: The Original Series, it was revealed that while Chapel still had feelings for Spock, he had chosen to suppress his emotions and fully embrace his Vulcan side. The crossover episode of Strange New Worlds hinted that Spock might be the one to end the relationship with Chapel, as he decided to abandon his human emotions. Now, it appears that the breakdown of their relationship is what causes Spock to reject love.

The song "I'm the X" captures Spock's heartbreak over Christine's decision to leave him and the Enterprise for her fellowship. He sings about not wanting to repeat the same mistake, implying that it is his heartbreak, rather than his Vulcan heritage, that shapes the repressed Spock seen in Star Trek: The Original Series. By portraying Spock as the wounded party in the break-up with Chapel in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, it provides Jess Bush's Christine Chapel with the agency that Majel Barrett's original character often lacked. Additionally, it solidifies Chapel as a significant figure in Spock's Star Trek origin story.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' season 2 finale streams on Paramount+ on August 10th.