The Ultimate Revelation: Exploring Chapel & M’Benga’s Star Trek Super Drug in Strange New Worlds

The Ultimate Revelation: Exploring Chapel & M’Benga’s Star Trek Super Drug in Strange New Worlds

Discover the groundbreaking implications of Chapel & M’Benga’s Star Trek super drug in Strange New Worlds, shedding light on their intriguing past while raising questions about its impact on the Star Trek canon Uncover the untold story behind this unprecedented addition (348 characters)

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2, Episode 1 - "The Broken Circle" introduces a mysterious super drug that Dr. Joseph M'Benga and Nurse Christine Chapel utilize to defend against attacking Klingons. This concept presents an intriguing storyline, albeit one that challenges the established Star Trek canon. In the absence of Captain Christopher Pike, Lieutenant Spock assumes command of the USS Enterprise, which is docked in space. However, Spock is compelled to release the Enterprise from the space dock upon receiving a distress call from his former crewmate, La'an Noonien Singh. La'an informs Spock that a group of Klingons intends to instigate a false flag operation, aiming to reignite the Federation/Klingon War. As they strive to thwart this plot, Dr. M'Benga and Nurse Chapel find themselves trapped by a formidable group of Klingons. In this dire situation, M'Benga retrieves a hypospray containing a green liquid. Both he and Chapel inject themselves with the serum, instantly granting them exceptional physical strength, surpassing that of the Klingons, enabling them to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

Strange New Worlds Super Drug Is An Interesting Addition To Star Trek Canon

The Ultimate Revelation: Exploring Chapel & M’Benga’s Star Trek Super Drug in Strange New Worlds

Nurse Chapel appears unfazed and familiar with M'Benga's super drug, demonstrating knowledge of its potential risks but still willing to utilize it as a means of immediate self-preservation for both herself and M'Benga.

Problems Strange New Worlds' Super Drug Cause To Star Trek Canon

The Ultimate Revelation: Exploring Chapel & M’Benga’s Star Trek Super Drug in Strange New Worlds

The introduction of something new in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds with the potential to greatly impact Starfleet poses a challenge for the show. Being a prequel set at the beginning of the franchise mythos, it must adhere to certain continuity rules to avoid being out of place, which is frowned upon by Star Trek fans. The absence of any previous mention of Starfleet officers using a super drug to enhance their abilities and fight Klingons is quite surprising, given the significant impact it would have.

However, this does not mean that Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is stuck in a corner. There are still possibilities to incorporate the existence of the super drug within the established canon. One plausible solution is to present the serum as something not officially authorized by Starfleet, but rather created by M'Benga off the record. Additionally, attributing long-term health issues to the drug, which limited its usage, would make logical sense and is subtly hinted at by Chapel. Nevertheless, the show should delve deeper into the origins and background of this drug.

What Strange New Worlds' Super Drug Reveals About Chapel & M'Benga's Backstory

The Ultimate Revelation: Exploring Chapel & M’Benga’s Star Trek Super Drug in Strange New Worlds

In the lead up to the utilization of the super drug, the character development for the duo, particularly Dr. M'Benga, shines through. While tending to the injured inhabitants of the outpost, M'Benga opens up about the haunting memories of the Klingon war that resurface during the mission. Witnessing the typically composed and empathetic M'Benga grappling with such darkness and being pushed to his limits is a profound experience. However, he ultimately proves that he remains the same honorable individual even in the face of the most challenging circumstances.

Meanwhile, Nurse Christine Chapel finds herself evolving into a well-rounded Starfleet officer, surpassing her initial expectations. She frequently finds herself in violent confrontations and relies on her sharp intellect and instincts to hold her own. Her bond with M'Benga continues to deepen as she contemplates leaving the USS Enterprise behind, and the growing romantic tension between her and Spock may be a contributing factor. Despite starting as minor characters in Star Trek: The Original Series, Chapel and M'Benga have become two of the most captivating figures in the Star Trek franchise through the ongoing series Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2 streams Thursdays on Paramount+.