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Mastering Windows 11: Keep Task Manager on Top

Get quick access to Windows 11's Task Manager with 'always on top' mode Enabling it guarantees the Task Manager will launch in this mode every time, even in situations where the standard version won't...

CCleaner: Safe or Risky for Your Windows?

CCleaner, a popular Windows system cleaner, faced security concerns in 2017 due to a hack and data collection issues But, is it safe now? This article explores CCleaner's safety, effectiveness, and al...

Revive the Microsoft Store on Windows 11

Having trouble with Microsoft Store on Windows 11? Learn how to easily fix any issue by uninstalling and reinstalling the Store with our step-by-step guide

Revamped Photo Gallery: Windows 11's Exciting File Explorer Upgrade

Windows 11 elevates user experience with a new photo gallery view in File Explorer Microsoft has updated this feature to enhance browsing, viewing, and organizing photos with ease Get ready to explore...

Unleashing the Power of HoloLens: Experience Windows 11 and Stunning 3D Ink

HoloLens just got even more amazing with the new Windows 11 update! Now featuring incredible 3D Ink capabilities, it's the perfect tool for creatives and professionals alike Experience the future of m...

Microsoft's Windows 11 Upgrades for Steam Deck Unveiled

Microsoft is said to be making tweaks to Windows 11 specifically for the Steam Deck and other PC handhelds The Valve Steam Deck, which runs on a custom version of Linux, is capable of running Windows,...

7 Lightning-Fast Ways to Reach Your Windows 11 Desktop

Discover the quickest methods to access your Windows 11 desktop From keyboard shortcuts to touchpad gestures, we'll show you how to take a quick glance, minimize all windows, and even add a large show...

Revamped Right-Click Menu in Windows 11: A Game-Changer!

Discover why the new right-click menu in Windows 11 is actually a great change Say goodbye to the messy old menu and embrace a fresh new start

Secure Your Text Files with Passwords on Windows

Secure your sensitive information by password-protecting your text files on Windows With the help of 7-Zip, a free and open-source utility, you can easily add, view, and remove password protection fro...

Say Goodbye to Random File Explorer Pops on Windows 11

Are you frustrated with Windows 11 randomly opening File Explorer? Don't worry, you're not alone Learn the reasons behind this issue and discover effective solutions to stop it from happening again