Eagle-Eyed Gamer Discovers Intriguing Glitch on Starfield's Computers

Eagle-Eyed Gamer Discovers Intriguing Glitch on Starfield's Computers

A vigilant gamer playing Starfield uncovers a fascinating and potentially glitchy element when examining the computer systems within the game.

One Starfield player recently made an interesting discovery - some computer consoles in Bethesda's latest RPG have a Windows key. While this keyboard feature may have been included by mistake, some players have come up with theories to explain its presence in the game's world.

Even though Starfield didn't receive the same level of acclaim as Bethesda's popular titles like TES 5: Skyrim and Fallout 4, it still managed to become one of the top-selling games of 2023. Since its release in September, millions of players worldwide have been analyzing every aspect of the RPG, leading to a continuous flow of intriguing insights, ranging from the more observant to the less so.

Reddit user Syxtaine recently discovered an interesting detail in Starfield - some keyboards in the game have a Windows key. This feature on the computer consoles seemed out of place since in the game, the PCs run on Starware, a fictional operating system with a retro-futuristic look that is quite different from Windows UI.

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Is the Windows Key in Starfield's World a Skeuomorph?

The news quickly spread to the r/Starfield subreddit, sparking a lively discussion filled with jokes and possible explanations for this interesting find. Some players believe that the Windows key on Stardeck consoles might simply be a skeuomorph. Skeuomorphs are design elements that retain outdated characteristics of their predecessors to make them more familiar and easy to use. For instance, a common example of skeuomorphism is the floppy disk icon still used as a save symbol in modern software, despite floppy disks being obsolete since the late '90s.

data access computer in starfield - Other players came up with more straightforward explanations, like speculating that Bethesda may have simply included the Windows key on purpose as a nod to its parent company

data access computer in starfield - Other players came up with more straightforward explanations, like speculating that Bethesda may have simply included the Windows key on purpose as a nod to its parent company

Some players suggested that Bethesda intentionally included the Windows key as a nod to its parent company. This theory gains support from the Windows XP vibes on one Starfield planet, which seem too intentional to be a coincidence.

Some fans believe that the Windows key in the game is a mistake. It's possible, as there have been design oversights in Starfield assets before. However, it's uncertain if this particular oddity is one of them.

Editor's P/S:

The discovery of a Windows key on computer consoles in Starfield has sparked intriguing discussions among players. Some speculate it's a skeuomorph, a design element that retains outdated features for familiarity, while others suggest it's a nod to Bethesda's parent company. The presence of the Windows key, despite the game's fictional operating system, adds a touch of humor and raises questions about the game's design choices.

The Windows key's inclusion could be a subtle easter egg or simply an oversight. It highlights the attention to detail that players bring to games, scrutinizing every aspect and sharing their findings. Such discoveries foster a sense of community and engagement, as players collaborate to unravel the mysteries and intricacies of the game world.