E. Jean Carroll Pushes for Quick Resolution in Trump's Defamation Appeal Case

E. Jean Carroll Pushes for Quick Resolution in Trump's Defamation Appeal Case

E. Jean Carroll's legal team urges a federal appeals court to fast-track Donald Trump's appeal of the defamation and battery verdict from their initial trial, where Carroll was awarded $5 million in damages. The appeal seeks to expedite the resolution of the case following the jury's findings in May 2023.

E. Jean Carroll's lawyers are urging a federal appeals court to speed up Donald Trump's appeal of the verdict from their first trial. In that trial, a jury awarded Carroll $5 million in damages after finding Trump responsible for defamation and battery in May 2023.

Carroll is requesting that the oral arguments for the appeal be set for July. She believes that the former president will attempt to prolong the process by citing his current criminal trial or busy campaign schedule as reasons for delay.

The motion filed on Tuesday with the 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals points out Trump's repeated efforts to postpone the trials with Carroll. This suggests that he may try to prolong the appeal process.

This sketch from court shows former President Donald Trump, left, and Michael Cohen, right, in court on Tuesday, May 14, in New York.

This sketch from court shows former President Donald Trump, left, and Michael Cohen, right, in court on Tuesday, May 14, in New York.

This sketch from court shows former President Donald Trump, left, and Michael Cohen, right, in court on Tuesday, May 14, in New York.

Christine Cornell

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Donald J. Trump's behavior throughout the legal proceedings has consistently shown delays, obstruction, and lack of good faith. The motion suggests that with the upcoming presidential election campaign and ongoing criminal cases, Trump may try to postpone any oral arguments set for later in 2024 to early 2025, possibly due to his inauguration preparations or awaiting another trial.

Carroll's legal team believes that a quick decision on the first case would help speed up the resolution of Trump's appeal in a separate case involving Carroll. This second trial outcome depended on the jury's decision in the first trial, as ruled by the judge presiding over both cases.

In the second trial held in January, the jury decided that Trump should compensate Carroll with $83.3 million for defaming her. Her lawyers also requested the appeals court to take into account the author's advancing age.

“Ms. Carroll is an 80-year-old woman who has struggled mightily to obtain justice for almost five years,” the filing says.

Editor's P/S:

E. Jean Carroll's pursuit of justice against Donald Trump has been met with numerous attempts to delay and obstruct the process. Carroll's lawyers' request for an expedited appeal highlights the urgency of holding Trump accountable for his actions. The former president's pattern of delaying tactics, including citing ongoing criminal trials and political campaigns, suggests a deliberate attempt to evade responsibility.

Carroll's advanced age and the fact that the second trial outcome hinges on the first trial's verdict further emphasize the need for a swift resolution. The appeals court should prioritize Carroll's right to justice and prevent Trump from further exploiting the legal system to his advantage. By setting an early date for oral arguments, the court can ensure that Carroll's case is not indefinitely postponed and that she receives the closure she deserves.