Don Lemon Calls Out Elon Musk for Restricting Free Speech by Axing His New Show on X

Don Lemon Calls Out Elon Musk for Restricting Free Speech by Axing His New Show on X

Don Lemon confronts X CEO Elon Musk for his stance against free speech, accusing him of stifling voices by pulling the plug on Lemon's show post a contentious interview.

Don Lemon Says X Owner Elon Musk Does Not Believe In Free Speech After Canceling His New Show on X

Don Lemon Says X Owner Elon Musk Does Not Believe In Free Speech After Canceling His New Show on X

Don Lemon, Elon Musk. Getty Images(2)

Don Lemon's recent collaboration with X has been called off after a challenging interview he had with Elon Musk, the owner of the social media platform.

In a statement on Wednesday, March 13, Lemon, 58, mentioned, "We had a productive discussion. However, it seems that Elon Musk's vision of a global platform for open dialogue does not extend to being questioned by individuals like myself."

After their interview on Friday, March 8, the former CNN anchorman revealed that Elon Musk informed him that his show was canceled. Topics discussed during the interview included the upcoming presidential election and Musk's company SpaceX. Lemon mentioned that they had asked some tough questions during the conversation on Tuesday, March 12.

A corporate account for X confirmed on Wednesday that Lemon's partnership with the company has been ended.

"We at X value free speech and are committed to fostering a diverse and open environment for various viewpoints," the statement mentioned. "The Don Lemon Show is still welcome to share its content on X without any restrictions, as we support creators in expanding their reach and engaging with different communities. However, as a business, we have the right to choose our partnerships, and after careful consideration, X has decided not to pursue a commercial agreement with the show."

Musk also talked about the cancellation in another post.

He mentioned that the approach was similar to 'CNN, but on social media', which he believed did not work because CNN is declining. He pointed out that it was not the real Don Lemon but actually Jeff Zucker, the former CNN President, speaking through Lemon, which made it lack authenticity. Musk added that Lemon and Zucker are welcome to grow their audience on the platform like everyone else.

Lemon was let go from CNN in April 2023 after being part of the network for 17 years. The reason for his departure was not specified, but it followed backlash he faced for making sexist remarks about then-GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley. Lemon expressed regret for his comments, stating, "I take responsibility for my mistakes, including this one."

Shortly after his departure, Musk extended a public invitation to Lemon to host a show on his platform, X.

Musk and Lemon announced a “content partnership” in January 2024, and Lemon praised X as “the biggest space for free speech in the world.”

In a video shared on Wednesday, Lemon expressed feeling betrayed by Musk for terminating their partnership. He accused Musk of going against his public support for free speech by canceling their contract after their interview. Lemon added, "I don't think you believe in free speech."

He also shared the reason for choosing Musk as the inaugural guest on his new show. "It was an easy decision. Elon Musk, known for his belief in free speech, was my top choice. I reached out to him and he gladly accepted the invitation for an interview," Lemon revealed.

He continued by emphasizing the importance of their conversation, noting that despite the tension at times, it was beneficial for people to witness and learn from their exchange. According to the journalist, it was an opportunity for individuals to gain insight into both him and Musk. However, he expressed his belief that free speech absolutism seemed to have limitations, especially when it came to questioning figures like Musk.

Lemon mentioned that his interview with Musk is scheduled to be broadcasted on YouTube on Monday, March 28, marking the premiere episode of The Don Lemon Show.

Editor's P/S:

The cancellation of Don Lemon's show on X, following his interview with Elon Musk, raises questions about the limits of free speech on social media platforms. While Musk has publicly advocated for free speech absolutism, the termination of Lemon's partnership suggests that this principle may not apply to questioning his own views. Lemon's accusations of betrayal and Musk's dismissal of Lemon's show as "CNN, but on social media" highlight the tension between the promise of free speech and the reality of corporate control over online content.

Lemon's experience serves as a reminder that even on platforms that claim to prioritize free speech, there may be limits to the extent to which individuals can challenge the status quo or criticize those in power. It also raises concerns about the potential for platform owners to selectively enforce free speech policies, based on their own personal biases or business interests. As social media platforms continue to play an increasingly significant role in public discourse, it is crucial to ensure that they remain open to a diversity of viewpoints and that individuals are not silenced for expressing their opinions.