Discover the Captivating Rhythms and Hilarious Cast Moments of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Musical Extravaganza

Discover the Captivating Rhythms and Hilarious Cast Moments of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Musical Extravaganza

Roberto Campanella, the brilliant choreographer of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, takes us on a cosmic dance journey in the thrilling space of Season 2 Prepare to be captivated by his mesmerizing moves and the enchanting musical numbers that will leave you wanting more

Warning: SPOILERS for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2, Episode 9 - "Subspace Rhapsody"


Choreographer Roberto Campanella expresses his exhilaration and appreciation for being involved in the groundbreaking Star Trek musical episode. He shares his initial disbelief and the intense pressure he experienced upon being entrusted with choreographing the entire musical installment.

He has a preference for Christine's solo performance without any dance moves, Jess' "I'm Ready," and he divulges that Paul Wesley had the most outtakes on set.

Roberto Campanella gains significant recognition as the choreographer of the revolutionary musical episode of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, marking a groundbreaking achievement for the Star Trek franchise. Campanella boasts an impressive reputation as an esteemed choreographer and director, having collaborated with Guillermo Del Toro on The Shape of Water, among his extensive list of accomplishments.

In Strange New Worlds' musical episode, the crew of the USS Enterprise is infused with the ability to sing and dance through a subspace rift. Within the rules of a musical, the Starfleet heroes express their deepest emotions through song, working together to restore not only the Enterprise, but also the entire galaxy back to its normal state.

Screen Rant had the opportunity to interview Roberto Campanella about his discovery of Star Trek's inaugural musical episode, his personal favorite musical numbers, and the most comedic person on set. Bear in mind that this article was written amidst the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes of 2023, recognizing that without the collective effort of the writers and actors in both unions, the mentioned show would not have come into existence.

Roberto Campanella Talks Choreographing Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' Musical

Discover the Captivating Rhythms and Hilarious Cast Moments of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Musical Extravaganza

Roberto Campanella expressed his delight and gratitude for the musical, stating that it has been the most enjoyable and fulfilling project he has ever been a part of. He considered it to be a perfect combination of elements, referring to it as a "perfect storm" in a positive manner, as everything flowed seamlessly.

Upon receiving the initial contact, I initially believed it to be a prank. I was skeptical and thought someone was playing a trick on me. However, I decided to reach out to the producers to clarify the situation. Typically, my role as a choreographer involves creating dance scenes for specific scenes or actors. Therefore, when the producers explained that they wanted me to choreograph an entire Star Trek episode that would be a musical, I was taken aback. The idea of the entire episode consisting of singing and dancing was completely new and unprecedented. This realization brought about a sense of pressure and responsibility, knowing that no one had ever done it before. Nonetheless, I consider myself incredibly fortunate and honored to have been chosen for such a unique opportunity.

It was the perfect moment in the perfect location. Moreover, my adoration for The Original Series stemmed from the fact that I am old enough to have grown up watching it. Suddenly, I found myself in an extraordinary position, standing on the bridge of the Enterprise, and even choreographing a dance routine for the main cast. Right there, before my eyes, was the revered captain's chair. Naturally, I couldn't resist the urge to sit in it and capture some pictures. It was akin to fulfilling the dream of a 10-year-old boy. Throughout the entire experience, I felt like I had regressed in age by a decade. Let me tell you, John, I have pursued this passion for an extensive period of time. I am a veteran in this field, a true dinosaur. Adding to the excitement, what elevated the significance for me was the unwavering support and dedication displayed by everyone involved, from the production crew to the cast. They all strived to ensure that this episode would be truly special for everyone.

Discover the Captivating Rhythms and Hilarious Cast Moments of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Musical Extravaganza

Did you have a favorite number to choreograph? Out of the 10 or 11 songs, was there one that stood out for you?

Roberto Campanella: While they all hold a special place in my heart, there is one that is particularly meaningful to me. It's interesting because it doesn't involve any dancing. It's actually Christina's solo. Christina is a dancer, and I was thrilled to collaborate with her because of her passion for dance. She was so eager to showcase her skills. I was equally excited about it. However, when we received the music, something didn't quite click for me. I couldn't envision the dance piece. Even after reading the script, listening to the lyrics, and understanding the emotions involved, I expressed my concerns to them and Christina. I believed that adding dancing to this moment would diminish its impact and significance.

I expressed, "I am here to fulfill any task you all desire. However, I am unable to visualize it. I cannot see it." Fortunately, Christina made the decision to not dance, which brought me joy. I was present on the set in case she needed any movement-related assistance, and I was delighted to be there. With each take, John, my eyes became teary and I experienced goosebumps without fail.

My personal favorite is Jess' performance of "I'm Ready." I had everything I needed for that number. The dancers were exceptional and provided immense support, consistently creating a joyful atmosphere. Additionally, the way Dermot directed it and combined it with my choreography, along with Jess' movements, allowed us to explore different options. I suggested, "Why don't we lift her up at some point?" This would create a moment where she conveys, "I am prepared to move forward." Jess agreed, saying, "Yes, I think I like that." However, I must mention that the layout of the Port Galley set was challenging, John. Navigating around, going up and down, and finally concluding was quite an endeavor. Nevertheless, this entire experience holds a special place in my heart.

Discover the Captivating Rhythms and Hilarious Cast Moments of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Musical Extravaganza

I would imagine there was a lot of laughter on set with everybody singing and dancing. Who broke the most on set, would you say? Who couldn't keep it together?

Roberto Campanella: Personally, I believe it was Paul. His performance in the waltz was truly hilarious. Despite having limited rehearsals due to his busy schedule, he managed to make it work. I had to constantly keep an eye on him because he was so entertaining. It may not seem like much, but what they were doing was quite challenging. They had to not only tell a story but also act, sing, dance, and smoothly transition from one point to another without any interruptions. It was a lot to handle.

Overall, the energy during the performance was explosive, filled with determination, resolution, and happiness. It was a collective effort with the entire cast supporting and singing along with you. This created an atmosphere where everyone could let loose and allow everything to happen naturally.

About Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2

Discover the Captivating Rhythms and Hilarious Cast Moments of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Musical Extravaganza

Explore our collection of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2 interviews.

Dermott Downs

Paul Wesley

Gia Sandhu

Jess Bush

Benji Bakshi

Melissa Navia

Christina Chong

Valerie Weiss

Yetide Badaki

Anson Mount & Rebecca Romijn

Ethan Peck & Paul Wesley

New episodes of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2 air Thursdays on Paramount+.