Defeating Vamp in Metal Gear Solid 2
Defeat Dead Cell's immortal knife expert with these expert strategies in Metal Gear Solid 2: Raiden's ultimate challenge awaits as you learn how to take down Vamp
In Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of the Patriots, players will confront Dead Cell, a former rogue Special Forces Unit, while exploring the Big Shell. Along the way, players will encounter Vamp and Fortune, and endure an assault from Solidus Snake, before reaching Shell-2 Core. In this location, players will eventually engage in a formidable battle with Vamp, Dead Cell's seemingly immortal Knife Expert.
During the Purification Chamber in Shell-2, Raiden faces off against Vamp, who utilizes knives and exploits the pool beneath the arena, along with his extraordinary speed, to launch surprise attacks from all directions. Vamp's fighting style presents a challenge for players in Metal Gear Solid 2, but there are various strategies that can be employed to make this fight more manageable. One such approach involves leveraging the environment to gain an advantage.
How to Beat Vamp
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During the fight, Vamp will initially be positioned in the middle of the room. Players can start by shooting him with the pistol to inflict some damage. After a short moment, he will dive underwater and change his position. At this point, Vamp has two possible actions. If he jumps up onto the balconies overlooking the area, players should aim at him and wait for him to throw a knife. Shoot twice - once to deflect the knife and once to hit Vamp, causing damage. The pistol, AK, or previously acquired M4 will all work effectively in this situation. Vamp will move between different locations, giving players the opportunity to repeat this tactic and damage him further. Additionally, he can walk along the upper area while throwing multiple knives. Shoot any knife directed at Raiden and aim for Vamp when his orange aura disappears after he throws his final knife.
If Vamp resurfaces from the water and lands on the same floor as Raiden, players should aim and shoot him immediately to inflict damage before he stands up. As Vamp approaches Raiden, players should keep their distance and roll or vault away when he jumps closer to perform a knife attack. For players feeling daring, there is an option to shoot him right as he lands from his jump, although this requires impeccable timing and quick reactions. Successfully shooting him after his jump will cause damage and force him back underwater.
Raiden is unable to swim in the highly oxygenated water here, rendering it non-buoyant. However, Vamp, being an immortal cheater, can swim in it without any difficulty. It is important to closely watch Vamp when he is underwater to anticipate where he will emerge next.
Once Vamp's health drops to half, he will change his attack strategy when he lands on the same floor as Raiden. He will sprint towards Raiden and then swiftly slash at him. To avoid this attack, players should quickly move away from Vamp and either roll or vault to safety as he initiates his slash after jumping. Additionally, with each knife throw, Vamp will increase the number of knives thrown, making it slightly more challenging to deflect them and strike back. When Vamp jumps and prepares a slash attack, he becomes vulnerable to counterattacks. Therefore, skilled and agile players have the opportunity to shoot him and halt his assault.
Once Vamp's health reaches a critical point, he will unleash a series of 5-6 knife attacks. It is advisable to avoid these by swiftly moving away since they are concentrated in a confined area. Additionally, he will immobilize Raiden by pinning his shadow to the ground using a knife and freezing him in place. To prevent this, players should take a moment to shoot out the floodlights on the upper level of the room, rendering Raiden's shadow invisible. In the short term, players can also seek refuge in the shadowy areas of the arena to avoid Vamp pinning Raiden's shadow.
Continue to steadily weaken Vamp by targeting him whenever his protective aura dissipates until he is defeated, concluding the battle and enabling Raiden to proceed further into Shell-2. Vamp's demise is final, right? There is no possibility of him being immortal and reappearing later since we have not witnessed his actual death, correct?
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty is a game in the Metal Gear franchise. It was released on November 13, 2001, and is available on PC, PS3, Xbox 360, and PS Vita platforms. The developer and publisher of the game is Konami. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty falls under the stealth genre and has an ESRB rating of M for Mature 17+. This rating is due to the presence of animated blood and animated violence in the game. On average, it takes around 13 hours to beat Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.
Editor's P/S
Vamp, the seemingly immortal knife expert from Dead Cell, presents a formidable challenge for players in Metal Gear Solid 2. His ability to exploit the pool beneath the arena and launch surprise attacks from all directions makes him a formidable opponent. However, by leveraging the environment and employing strategic tactics, players can overcome this seemingly insurmountable challenge.
One effective strategy involves utilizing the balconies overlooking the area. By shooting Vamp as he jumps up onto these balconies, players can deflect his knives and inflict damage. This tactic can be repeated as Vamp moves between different locations, gradually whittling down his health. Additionally, players can shoot Vamp when he lands on the same floor as Raiden, or roll and vault away to avoid his knife attacks.