Debunked: The Truth About Petting the Dog in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Debunked: The Truth About Petting the Dog in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Experience heartwarming moments in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 as you bond with a loyal canine companion Petting the dog provides a precious respite amidst the game's intense campaign, adding a touch of humanity to the battlefield

Even in the midst of a high-stakes mission in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, players have the opportunity to show affection to a puppy by giving it a gentle pat on the head. This action technically helps the character blend in, but let's be honest, most people would choose to give the puppy some scratches regardless.

CharlieIntel shared a brief clip from Modern Warfare 3 on Twitter/X, as early access to the campaign began on November 2. The full game will officially launch on November 10, with preloading available starting on November 9. It's important to note that Modern Warfare 3's file size is quite large, as Activision has included a substantial amount of content at launch, including Zombies.

Regarding Modern Warfare 3's campaign, it manages to evoke the No Russian controversy with its own shocking mission. The initial No Russian level in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, released in 2009, was quite divisive for Infinity Ward, the developer.

On another note for Modern Warfare 3 players, it appears that the game does not offer a Platinum trophy on PS5. This absence could be attributed to the fact that the game is launched through the Call of Duty HQ app. Consequently, from a system perspective, the game is perceived as downloadable content (DLC). The campaign, multiplayer, and Zombies encompass a total of 39 trophies.

Modern Warfare 3 won't be available on Game Pass for Xbox this year, as Microsoft has closed its deal to acquire Activision Blizzard. However, the FPS may become part of the subscription service in 2023. In fact, there is a possibility that the entire Call of Duty series will join Game Pass next year.

Editor's P/S

As a hard fan of the Call of Duty franchise, I am thrilled to hear about the return of the beloved dog-petting feature in Modern Warfare 3. The heartwarming moments shared with the loyal canine companion provide a welcome respite from the game's intense campaign, adding a touch of humanity to the battlefield. The simple act of petting the dog not only helps the character blend in but also allows players to connect with the game on a deeper emotional level.

The inclusion of such a seemingly insignificant feature demonstrates the developers' attention to detail and their understanding of what fans truly want. It's these small moments that make the Call of Duty experience so memorable and immersive. I can't wait to bond with my furry friend and experience the full range of emotions that Modern Warfare 3 has to offer when it launches on November 10th.