Death Stranding 2: An Epic Continuation with a Game-Changing Ending!

Death Stranding 2: An Epic Continuation with a Game-Changing Ending!

Death Stranding 2 Should Learn from Past Mistakes to Deliver a Stellar Ending While the game's innovative approach was widely praised, its flawed ending, particularly the frustrating fake credits scene, left players disappointed Here's why DS2 needs to avoid repeating this misstep


In order to improve Death Stranding 2, it is crucial to steer clear of the error of including a prolonged ending sequence that provides extensive explanations and disrupts the essence of the game, such as the inclusion of fake credits in the initial installment.

Content should not be repeated in Death Stranding 2 due to its drawn-out and tedious Beach sequence with fake credits, which made it difficult to comprehend certain elements and overshadowed impactful moments, thus testing gamers' patience.

Death Stranding 2, as a sequel, has a significant standard to meet. While its predecessor had its imperfections, it offered a truly distinctive gaming experience during its console generation. However, there are certain errors that the first game made which Death Stranding 2 must steer clear of.

One of the more intricate aspects of Death Stranding is its conclusion. It resembles Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King in the sense that it seems to have multiple endings even though there is only one. Some parts of this conclusion bring great satisfaction and provide a proper resolution to the story, while other "endings" in Death Stranding feel added as an afterthought. An example of this is the fake credits sequence on the Beach, which Death Stranding 2 should refrain from repeating.

Death Stranding’s Flawed Tell and Not Show Approach

Death Stranding 2: An Epic Continuation with a Game-Changing Ending!

Many aspects of Death Stranding were challenging to follow. The Chiral Network, in particular, was a complex plot element that intricately connected the story, characters, lore, and gameplay, making it difficult to comprehend. Adding to the confusion is the fact that much of the story is explained through conversations after the fact, rather than visually shown.

In a pivotal scene, Deadman engages in a conversation that unveils some of the Chiral Network's biggest revelations. Surprisingly, this conversation takes place in an awkward shower scene, where the supporting character discloses dark secrets about the Network and Death Stranding's Bridge Babies. While the reveal adds a darker dimension to the game's supporting characters, it comes across as clumsy exposition rather than a significant discovery. However, an even more glaring example of this occurs during the game's fake credits.

Why the Fake Credits Scene Is Death Stranding's Most Frustrating Moment

Death Stranding 2: An Epic Continuation with a Game-Changing Ending!

The ending of Death Stranding can be difficult to understand given the complexity of its events. In the climax, Sam confronts Higgs Monaghan and discovers that his adopted sister Amelie and his adopted mother Bridget were actually the same person. Their initial objective was to cause a mass extinction event, but they had a change of heart years prior. Sam successfully prevents this catastrophe, although with significant consequences.

Following the intense confrontation, Sam finds himself stranded on his own Beach in Death Stranding, and the credits begin to roll. Amelie proceeds to provide additional exposition, explaining the events of the game and their motivations. However, this information is interrupted by Sam aimlessly walking on the Beach, and this continues for about twenty minutes. This extended sequence intends to convey the passage of time, but it becomes monotonous and fails to make a significant impact. Regrettably, it also likely caused players to lose interest before the most compelling parts of the ending unfolded. This should be avoided if a sequel is produced.

In regards to the "show, don't tell" rule, Death Stranding 2 should strive to avoid the same mistakes made by its predecessor. The first game had numerous instances where this concept was not effectively executed, resulting in some of the major revelations having less impact than they should have. One of the worst examples of this was the portrayal of Sam's Beach and the inclusion of fake credits. This sequence was unnecessarily lengthy, overstaying its welcome and testing the patience of gamers. It is hoped that Death Stranding 2 will learn from this and deliver an ending that does not include such a frustrating moment, while maintaining the overall greatness of the game. Currently, Death Stranding 2 is being developed.