Creative Pokemon Fan Designs Impressive Ground-Type Regi
A talented Pokemon fan artist unveils their ingenious creation of a ground-type Regi, inspired by a captivating discovery Their remarkable artwork gains attention as it spreads across social media platforms
Article Key Points
A Pokemon fan artist created a ground-type Regi, inspired by two diamond-shaped road signs seen by another Redditor.
The design, known as Regiroad, incorporates the arms of Registeel and resembles a unicycle, adorned with seven red dots on its face. Pokemon enthusiasts lauded the artist for their original concept, leaving us curious about the future creations fans will bring forth.
A Pokemon fan artist recently shared their artwork of a ground-type Regi on social media, along with the inspiration behind the design. Other Pokemon fans praised the artist for successfully capturing the essence of the design.
The Regis, legendary titans introduced in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire, have become a well-known post-game feature in the series. While Regirock, Regice, and Registeel made their first appearance in the Hoenn region, the DLC for Pokemon Sword and Shield introduced two new Regis: Regieleki and Regidrago. Despite their unique designs, all the Regis share certain characteristics. They are single-type Pokemon with braille-like patterns on their bodies, and all except for Regigigas have a base stat total of 580. Regigigas, known as the "master" of the legendary golems, boasts a base stat total of 670, making it one of the most powerful Legendary Pokemon currently available. Although there are officially only six Regis, a dedicated Pokemon fan decided to create another one.
A Pokemon enthusiast named Kelpo911 recently shared their concept of a Ground-type Regi on the popular Reddit page r/Pokemon. This unique creation, known as "Regiroad," was inspired by diamond-shaped road signs spotted by another Reddit user called Stuffydude_yt. The top sign featured nine red dots, while the bottom sign displayed two arrows pointing downwards and diagonally left and right. Regiroad, resembling a unicycle with Registeel's arms, sported a braille-like face with seven dots derived from the red dots on the road sign. Additionally, the arrow sign was divided into two, with at least one arrow pointing upwards. Pokemon fans applauded the effort, stating that the design was a perfect fit for a Ground-type Regi if it were to become a reality. With various imaginative fan-made designs, ranging from legendary golems to Paradox forms of existing Regis, it remains uncertain what the future holds for the creations born from the minds of Pokemon enthusiasts.
With the release of The Crown Tundra DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet on December 14th, Pokémon fans have been engaging in debates regarding the return of past Legendary Pokémon. The inclusion of the Regis in this DLC remains uncertain.
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Franchise: Pokemon
Platform(s): Switch
Release Date: November 18, 2022
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher(s): Nintendo, The Pokemon Company
Genre: RPG
ESRB Rating: E for Everyone (Mild Fantasy Violence)
Estimated Gameplay Time: 31½ Hours
Metascore: 72
Editor's P/S
As a Pokemon fan, I am always excited to see new and creative fan designs for Pokemon. This Regiroad design is really impressive, and I love how the artist was able to incorporate the elements of the road signs into the design. The Regiroad looks like a powerful and majestic Pokemon, and I would love to see it become a reality in a future Pokemon game.
Overall, I think this is a great example of how fan creativity can expand the world of Pokemon and create new and exciting ideas. I hope to see more fan designs like this in the future.