Cracking the Enigmatic Van Der Linde Code in Red Dead Redemption 2: Uncovering Hidden Secrets

Cracking the Enigmatic Van Der Linde Code in Red Dead Redemption 2: Uncovering Hidden Secrets

The Van Der Linde gang in Red Dead Redemption 2 upheld a unique set of principles that distinguished them from other gangs, showcasing their distinctive standards and values


The Van Der Linde gang in Red Dead Redemption 2 had their own code, which included robbing the rich but leaving the poor alone, and not harming women or children.

The gang relied on their fearsome reputation rather than resorting to violence with their guns, except when confronted by law enforcement or rival criminals.

However, the gang's values started to decline when Micah Bell joined and they became involved in illegal lending activities, ultimately leading to their demise.

The Van Der Linde gang, featured in Red Dead Redemption 2, lived outside the boundaries of the law but adhered to their own set of principles. Rather than simply robbing indiscriminately or resorting to violence in every situation, the gang operated with a level of complexity and nuance that may not initially be expected. This deepens the sense of tragedy surrounding their eventual downfall. While the Van Der Lindes were far from perfect, they held themselves to certain standards.

Dutch Van Der Linde, the group's mastermind, founded the Van Der Linde gang alongside Hosea, initially consisting of only two members. However, it wasn't until they welcomed the young outlaw Arthur Morgan into their ranks that the gang truly began to expand. Throughout the years, the gang recruited new members, often individuals who were outcasts seeking protection or a sense of purpose. Despite their illegal activities, the gang managed to survive and thrive through their collective skills. The events portrayed in Red Dead Redemption 2 focus on the final months when their unity began to crumble.

The Van Der Lindes Had Standards in Red Dead Redemption 2

Cracking the Enigmatic Van Der Linde Code in Red Dead Redemption 2: Uncovering Hidden Secrets

At the time of the game, the members of RDR2's Van Der Linde gang adhered to several rules. Firstly, their focus was on robbing the affluent, with a conscious decision to spare the impoverished. This decision was both practical, considering the limited resources of the poor, and a matter of honor. Having experienced poverty themselves, the gang did not wish to exacerbate the hardships of struggling individuals. They also rejected the notion of targeting women and children, driven by similar principles. Although the gang pursued survival and wealth, they were not devoid of empathy.

Despite the presence of formidable gunslingers like Arthur Morgan and John Marston, the Van Der Linde gang displayed a restrained approach towards violence. While they were skilled in defending themselves, initiating conflict was not their standard tactic. Their firearms primarily served as tools for intimidation during robberies, and inflicting harm upon civilians was highly disapproved of. Conversely, when faced with law enforcement or fellow outlaws, the true lethality of the Van Der Lindes was revealed. The gang members were not pacifists, but rather reserved their use of firearms for genuinely necessary situations.

Unfortunately, the Van Der Linde gang's code began to falter early on in the game. The inclusion of Micah Bell, a villainous character in Red Dead Redemption 2, is evidence of this decline. Despite Micah's ruthless killings and lack of honor, Dutch, the gang's leader, fails to take any action against him and instead views him as a valuable member. Another sign of the weakening code is Leopold Strauss' predatory loan practices, which exploit the impoverished. Arthur, a member of the gang, finds such behavior disgraceful. These breaches of the gang's principles ultimately lead to their downfall, with deaths and disloyalty resulting in the complete dissolution of the once strong bond.

The Van Der Linde gang was distinctive due to their adherence to a set of principles that distinguished them from other gangs in the game. Arthur Morgan, the tragic hero of RDR2, exemplifies these principles by displaying mercy and kindness in various situations while maintaining his tough outlaw persona. Although Arthur remains committed to his personal code until the end, the same cannot be said for the doomed gang as a whole. The Van Der Linde gang's code endeared them to players, and if they had remained true to it, the outcome of Red Dead Redemption 2 may have been different.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.