CoD: Warzone and MW3 Season 1 Reloaded Release Date and Synopsis

CoD: Warzone and MW3 Season 1 Reloaded Release Date and Synopsis

Get ready for the explosive Season 1 Reloaded update of Call of Duty: Warzone and MW3! Discover thrilling new features and intense action in both games Brace yourself for an adrenaline-fueled experience like never before!

Call of Duty Season 1 Reloaded start times

With the Season 1 battle pass days dwindling, the anticipated mid-point is expected to be around January 17. Following past update times, Season 1 Reloaded is likely to go live around 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET / 5 PM BST.

What to expect from Season 1 Reloaded

The inaugural season of MW3 kicked off with the introduction of three new weapons in the battle pass. However, the upcoming midseason update is primed to incorporate two additional guns into the weapon pool. Players can look forward to unlocking the HRM-9 submachine gun and TAQ Evolvere light machine gun through in-game challenges.

Moreover, Amazon's The Boys will make a return to MW3 with more Supe operator bundles and a special limited-time mode called Supe'd Up. Midseason updates typically encompass new challenges, a variety of shop bundles, weapon balancing, and bug fixes.

CoD: Warzone and MW3 Season 1 Reloaded Release Date and Synopsis

Season 1 roadmap


The upcoming Season 1 Reloaded will introduce various new features to the battle royale experience. Players can look forward to the return of the Weapon Case event and the Champion's Quest nuke challenge from last year. Additionally, a new feature called Covert Exfil will be introduced, which promises to provide a new "secondary exfil" option.


Season 1 introduced Meat and Greece as two fresh multiplayer maps, with a third map set for the midseason update. Rio is a 6v6 map set in an upscale shopping center in Rio de Janeiro, described as "small-to-medium-sized."

Three new game modes are unveiled for Season 1 Reloaded, including the classic Infected and Headquarters modes from Call of Duty. Additionally, a team-based Gunfight mode is introduced, offering a large-scale 6v6 version of Gunfight on standard MP maps.

Introducing Ranked Play to multiplayer. Similar to past years, Modern Warfare 3's Ranked Play mode allows players to compete using the same maps, modes, and rulesets as the Call of Duty League, with the opportunity to advance through Skill Divisions and unlock exclusive cosmetic rewards.

Limited information is currently accessible for Zombies mode, but Season 1 Reloaded incorporates a new Warlord boss to conquer. Although further details are unconfirmed, it is conceivable that the mode will feature additional challenges and updates.

In other news, Modern Warfare 3 recently added a meme shop bundle, poking fun at Call of Duty's infamous "update requires restart" prompt.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan of Call of Duty, I am eagerly anticipating the release of Season 1 Reloaded for Warzone and MW3. The promise of new weapons, operators, and game modes has me excited to jump back into the action. I'm particularly looking forward to the return of the Weapon Case event and the Champion's Quest nuke challenge, as these were some of my favorite features from last year's game. The addition of a new "secondary exfil" option in Covert Exfil also sounds intriguing, as it could add a new level of strategy to the battle royale mode.

Overall, I believe that Season 1 Reloaded has the potential to be a game-changer for Warzone and MW3. The new content and features look promising, and I can't wait to see how they impact the overall gameplay experience. I'm confident that this update will keep me entertained for hours on end and I'm excited to see what else the developers have in store for us in the future.