CDPR Veterans Unleash Apocalyptic Game After Leaving The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077

Ex-CDPR developers behind The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077 quit to create an apocalyptic game, signaling a shift away from open-world titles
A group of experienced developers from CD Projekt Red, known for their work on Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher series, have recently announced their departure from the company to establish their own studio named Blank. This news comes amidst rumors that CD Projekt Red may be acquired by Sony, which the company has since denied. It is not uncommon for former employees of CD Projekt Red to start their own ventures, as the company's large size of over 1,000 employees worldwide can lead to talent turnover. In fact, just last year, a different group of former CD Projekt Red developers announced their own project, an online ninja game.
Located just a short 20-minute drive away from CD Projekt Red's Warsaw offices, the newly established Blank studio is a prime example of the current trend. The studio officially opened in May, with three of its four founders having previously worked at CDPR. Interestingly, all but one of the seven staff members can also boast CDPR as a former employer. However, Blank's debut game, as well as any future projects, will not be in competition with CDPR's titles. On the contrary, Blank's team has grown tired of creating massive open-world games and instead plans to focus on "simpler goals." The studio's official website states that it aims to deliver games that emphasize emotional storytelling and "uniqueness."
Blank has vowed to deliver narrative-driven games with the utmost polish and refinement. Their first attempt at achieving this will be a character-focused game set in an apocalyptic setting with a few twists. While the first piece of concept art for the game doesn't reveal much, it does depict a high-spirited woman driving through a post-apocalyptic countryside with the number 41 tattooed on her right arm. The studio has teased that the game will have a fourth-wall-breaking "I'll be back" message visible on the driver's sun visor. However, it may be a while before we learn more about the game as Blank is still in the process of building a full production team. The studio is currently seeking senior positions such as a technical director, environment artist, and 3D animator.
Blank's staff has undoubtedly left a remarkable legacy at CD Projekt Red, regardless of the outcome of their current venture. This was highlighted once again when The Witcher 3 achieved another impressive sales milestone, eight years after its initial release.