Captivating Imagery: Shedding Light on Our Connection with the Earth

Captivating Imagery: Shedding Light on Our Connection with the Earth

Experience the awe-inspiring fusion of nature and light through the lens of visual artist Kevin Cooley as he illuminates our profound relationship with the planet with his captivating imagery

Fire has been essential to humanity for thousands of years, enabling us to cook, build, and stay warm. However, it is also responsible for significant destruction, as evidenced by the rise in wildfires globally, attributed to climate change by the UN Environment Program. One individual who has documented this phenomenon is Kevin Cooley, a multimedia artist from Los Angeles, who has dedicated the last ten years to capturing images of both wild and controlled fires.

Cooley explained, "I strive to capture these disasters in a way that almost makes them beautiful. This is how we can draw attention to them."

His photography focuses on showcasing our connection to the environment and the impact of climate change. He has documented the wildfires that threatened his own home in California, a wastewater spill in Colorado, and the diminishing water reservoirs in Arizona.

"We are not in control of its nature as much as we like to believe," he said, expressing his hope that his work can "encourage us to contemplate its power, its beauty, and how we can show it respect."

Captivating Imagery: Shedding Light on Our Connection with the Earth

An image from Kevin Cooley's photo series "Light's Edge" (2009).

Kevin Cooley

Cooley's main focus is on the natural elements of earth, wind, water, and fire, which he enhances with light. This light can be introduced actively by Cooley himself or passively through objects such as airplanes flying through the sky. According to him, light brings importance to the ordinary and highlights things that would otherwise go unnoticed in everyday life.

Capturing the power of nature

"For the last 25 years, I have been involved in working with light in various capacities," Cooley mentioned. This includes my use of lasers, flashlights, fireworks, old flashbulbs, flares, and even smoke plumes.

Captivating Imagery: Shedding Light on Our Connection with the Earth

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How this photographer uses light to illuminate our relationship with the planet


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Cooley's "Controlled Burns" photo series used strobe lights to capture the pyrotechnic smoke in menacing sculptures, highlighting our attempt to control nature. However, he now finds himself more drawn to a different, less risky element.

The year 2021 brought a harrowing experience during the Caldor Fire in California, leading to a decision to shift focus away from photographing fire due to the taxing nature of constantly being around smoke. Simultaneously, California's extreme drought sparked an interest in capturing water through photography.

Cooley uses flashlights, strobe lights, and drones to capture long exposure photos of the ocean, highlighting the movement of tides and the ebb and flow of the current.

Captivating Imagery: Shedding Light on Our Connection with the Earth

Kevin Cooley looks off into the sunset at Thousand Steps Beach in California, assessing the lighting for his evening photography session of the ocean.

Kevin Myers from CNN shared that his project about the waves aims to draw attention to the fact that two-thirds of California beaches are in danger of disappearing. He emphasized that this was his motivation for taking on the project.

Cooley views the ocean as a valuable ally in the battle against climate change, highlighting its role as a carbon sink and renewable energy source from wave power. He emphasizes the need to harness nature in a way that maintains a balance between human needs and the planet's capacity, ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.