Captain Archer's Unexpected Romance Takes 'Strange New Worlds Crossover' to New Heights
Captain Archer's love for Star Trek: Enterprise shines in Strange New Worlds' crossover as his ship, Enterprise, saves the Lower Deckers' time travel This long-overdue appreciation for Enterprise in the Star Trek universe brings a delightful surprise for fans
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds exhibits a profound affection for Captain Jonathan Archer and the Star Trek: Enterprise crew, effectively connecting the various series.Captain Pike's deep admiration for Archer and Uhura's reverence towards Lt. Commander Hoshi Sato serve as poignant nods to the beloved Star Trek: Enterprise in the show.
In Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2, Episode 7 - "Those Old Scientists," the Enterprise NX-01 proves to be essential in bringing Ensigns Boimler and Mariner back to the 24th century, showcasing the significant role of Captain Archer's Enterprise. This crossover episode between Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and Star Trek: Lower Decks surprises viewers with its evident admiration for Captain Jonathan Archer and his crew from Star Trek: Enterprise. As Boimler and Mariner find themselves on the "second Enterprise," they have the opportunity to interact with their own heroes, Captain Pike and Ensign Uhura. However, in a heartwarming twist, Pike and Uhura reveal their own admiration for the heroes of Archer's Enterprise NX-01.
Captain Archer’s Enterprise Saved The Lower Deckers’ Time Travel In Strange New Worlds’ Crossover
Star Trek: Enterprise, the final show of the Rick Berman era, was unfairly labeled as the series that ended the entire franchise. However, over time, people have come to appreciate and rehabilitate Star Trek: Enterprise. As early as Star Trek Beyond in 2016, there have been numerous references to this prequel series. The recent acknowledgments include Captain Pike's deep respect for Jonathan Archer and Uhura's admiration for Lt. Commander Hoshi Sato (Grace Park). Even better, the Enterprise NX-01 plays a crucial role in resolving the issue of getting Boimler and Mariner back to the 24th century.
After repeatedly breaking Star Trek's timeline, Captain Pike tries to find common ground with Boimler and Mariner. Realizing that he too would be thrilled to visit Archer's Enterprise, Pike unintentionally plants the idea in Boimler's mind on how to power the Krulmuth-B time portal for their return journey. The portal's power source, horonium, was no longer available on Pike's Enterprise after they exhausted their supply. However, a century earlier, early Starfleet ships like the Enterprise NX-01 were built using horonium. Thankfully for Boimler and Mariner, Starfleet tradition ensured that each new starship incorporated a piece from its predecessor carrying the same name.
Why Strange New Worlds’ Star Trek: Enterprise Love Is Long Overdue
The Enterprise crew, upon finding the piece of horonium concealed beneath the engineering floor, took a moment to reflect on their own personal heroes, drawing inspiration from the time of Captain Archer. Uhura's admiration for Hoshi Sato's unparalleled proficiency in 86 different languages was evident, confessing that she wrote three compelling papers on her during her time at Starfleet Academy. Lt. Erica Ortegas (Melissa Navia) found solace in Ensign Travis Mayweather's (Anthony Montgomery) influence on her own successful career as a skilled pilot. Additionally, Ortegas disclosed the fact that her high school gymnasium was aptly named in honor of the first Enterprise helmsman. Witnessing their fervent adulation for these revered Star Trek legends, Ortegas and Uhura couldn't help but recognize that they, too, were ardent fans of the NX-01 crew, much like Boimler and Mariner's unwavering admiration for the NC-1701 crew.Star Trek: Strange New Worlds takes its love for Star Trek: Enterprise to the next level, paying homage not only to the NX-01 and mentioning Archer and his crew, but also revealing that Captain Pike's Enterprise continues the tradition of movie nights started by Archer's crew. In fact, Uhura even offers to program an Andorian language film for the next screening in a crossover episode of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. This heartfelt appreciation for the Scott Bakula show warmly embraces Enterprise as an integral part of the extensive Star Trek legacy - and long overdue.
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds presents Star Trek: Enterprise in a new light, no longer considered as the show that ended the franchise, but rather as a significant component of the vast Trek universe. The crossover episode of Star Trek: Lower Decks exemplifies the boundless love shared among Star Trek enthusiasts, irrespective of their preferred era. A prime example of this is the enthusiastic admiration displayed by Uhura and Ortegas towards the crew of the Enterprise NX-01, much to the delight of the equally passionate Boimler and Mariner. Catch the second season of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, now available for streaming on Paramount+ every Thursday.