Call of Duty: Warzone's Season 1 Reloaded Update Fixes Game-Breaking Bugs

Call of Duty: Warzone's Season 1 Reloaded Update Fixes Game-Breaking Bugs

A comprehensive overview of the recent updates that have addressed various issues introduced with the Season 1 Reloaded update for Call of Duty: Warzone.

Troublesome Season 1 Reloaded Patch

Call of Duty: Warzone released a set of updates that addressed various issues plaguing the game. Recently, Call of Duty players widely reported multiple new bugs following Call of Duty: Warzone's Season 1 Reloaded update. On Wednesday, January 17, Call of Duty released its troublesome Season 1 Reloaded patch, and although this update brought plenty of new content to the game, it also brought multiple game-breaking bugs that led to plenty of frustration among Call of Duty fans. One of the more prevalent issues was an infinite looping bug on the main menu that prevented users from playing the game. And for those who managed to load into Call of Duty, they were still subjected to other new frustrating bugs, like a Warzone glitch that saw players unable to equip their loadouts from supply drops. Fortunately, it seems that Call of Duty has fixed some of these issues.

The official CODUpdates Twitter account stated that updates were released to fix these problems, specifically, the previously mentioned glitches involving menu looping and loadout supply drops. The tweet was posted at 3:42 AM EST, suggesting that Call of Duty's development team worked through the night to fix the major issues introduced with Season 1 Reloaded. Since then, CODUpdates has confirmed additional hotfixes to other new Warzone bugs such as HRM-9 attachments not unlocking properly and killstreak notification banners not appearing. If players are still experiencing the loadout bug, CODUpdates recommends users to either swap out their current Perk Package or delete and remake their Perk Package, which should fix the issue.

Issues Fixed Following the Recent Call of Duty Hotfixes: - Infinite looping menu - Loadout drops - HRM-9 attachments not unlocking - Killstreak notifications not appearing correctly

Twitter article posted by Call of Duty Updates

Re-Enabled Features and New Additions

Additionally, Warzone re-enabled its new Champion's Quest feature, which was temporarily disabled to help Call of Duty's development team address the game's new bugs. Champion's Quest gives skilled squads exclusive rewards in exchange for completing a set of difficult challenges. Now that the game has returned to a mostly healthy state, fans can also try out other Warzone additions like two new weapons, the HRM-9 SMG and the TAQ Evolvere LMG.

Warzone fans might be conflicted to hear of another new Season 1 Reloaded addition, which is the return of Call of Duty's controversial Gaia skin. Gaia, AKA 'evil Groot,' was removed from the game in November due to complaints that the skin was virtually invisible in some scenarios. However, Call of Duty slightly redesigned the skin to hopefully alleviate this issue.

Also, Season 1 Reloaded was originally intended to introduce the Covert Exfil and Weapons Case features to Warzone. However, community outcry following the announcement of these features led Call of Duty to delay them to a later date, when they will be implemented in a new Warzone game mode.

The re-enabled Champion's Quest feature and the introduction of new weapons offer players exciting new content to explore, while the return of the Gaia skin and the delayed Covert Exfil and Weapons Case features reflect Call of Duty's commitment to addressing player feedback and ensuring a balanced and enjoyable gaming experience.


In conclusion, the recent updates and hotfixes for Call of Duty: Warzone have brought relief to players who were experiencing game-breaking bugs following the Season 1 Reloaded update. The development team's swift response, re-enabling of features, and introduction of new content demonstrate a commitment to maintaining a healthy gaming environment and addressing player concerns. As Warzone fans eagerly explore the new additions and re-enabled features, they can look forward to a more balanced and enjoyable gaming experience in the future.