Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's Bold Move with Makarov: An Ingenious Decision

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's Bold Move with Makarov: An Ingenious Decision

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's campaign may have its flaws, but it wisely showcases Makarov's potential, making it a smart decision to not kill him off Makarov's character deserves more than what this game offers

Warning: Spoilers ahead for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's campaign.

The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 campaign falls short in many aspects. The inclusion of Open Combat Missions, used to extend the singleplayer mode's duration, is widely criticized by fans. These missions suffer from poorly integrated stealth mechanics, a confusing checkpoint system, and a lack of impressive setpiece moments. Furthermore, the campaign's narrative has received considerable backlash from fans.

Despite these flaws, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 succeeds in one aspect: keeping the villain Makarov alive. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for Soap MacTavish, who meets his demise at Makarov's hands in the final mission. This moment has left fans outraged. They feel that Soap's character had just started to become interesting, making his death a waste of potential development. Additionally, fans were disappointed that the campaign ends just when they should be seeking revenge for Soap.

While the improvement of having Soap die directly at Makarov's hands is noted, it is still strange that he dies at all. Furthermore, General Shepherd's post credits scene, resulting in his death, has also drawn criticism for being similarly wasteful. Thus, it is a relief that Makarov escapes an untimely demise, unlike other characters in the game.

Makarov Has a Lot More To Give The Modern Warfare Reboot

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's Bold Move with Makarov: An Ingenious Decision

Killing Makarov in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Would Have Been a Waste

In the same way that Soap's story felt incomplete when he died, it would have been a huge mistake for Makarov to be a one-time villain. Makarov is one of the greatest antagonists in the Call of Duty series, and he is undeniably the most iconic one. Fans have been eagerly awaiting his return for a long time. Not only is he a terrifying threat who can carry multiple games in the franchise, but he has yet to achieve his goal of igniting World War 3.

The 2011 installment of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 featured an exciting rendition of World War 3, showcasing memorable moments like the collapse of the Eiffel Tower and a daring mission to rescue Russia's president. The game's impressive graphics and unique perspective on global conflicts made it an unforgettable experience. Makarov, the main antagonist, played a crucial role in igniting another World War 3, making him a formidable villain. However, his recent failure in executing a terrorist attack and the subsequent removal of evidence by Farah has left him in a state of desperation. Makarov now seeks a second chance to fulfill his desire for conflict.

In the original Call of Duty: Modern Warfare trilogy, Makarov's presence as a recurring villain was a wise choice. It not only added to the satisfaction of eventually defeating him but also allowed for the exploration of his character through his backstory with MW3's Yuri. With both characters surviving the game, there is now the exciting possibility of revisiting the complex dynamic between Yuri and Makarov.

Makarov Deserves Better Than Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Makarov should have a more memorable storyline in the Call of Duty franchise, unlike the forgettable experience in Modern Warfare 3. If he had been killed right after Soap's death, it would have been a waste, as he would be overshadowed by the original version of Makarov. It would have been better if the impact of the new No Russian attack had been preserved, as Makarov would have succeeded and faced his demise with satisfaction while the world descended into chaos. Unfortunately, that didn't happen, so Makarov surviving and living to fight another day is the best possible outcome. By surviving the poorly received campaign of Modern Warfare 3, Makarov now has the opportunity to shine in another singleplayer offering that will hopefully be much better in terms of storytelling and gameplay.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's Bold Move with Makarov: An Ingenious Decision

Activision's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2023) is scheduled to be released on November 10, 2023. This installment of the game series further explores the narrative of Captain Price, extending from the events of the 2019 and 2022 games.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I have mixed feelings about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's decision to keep Makarov alive. On the one hand, I understand the fans' frustration over Soap's death and the feeling that his character had just started to become interesting. On the other hand, I believe that keeping Makarov alive was a smart move that will allow for more exploration of his character and his backstory in future games.

I think that Makarov is one of the most iconic villains in the Call of Duty series, and I'm glad that he wasn't killed off in Modern Warfare 3. He is a terrifying threat who can carry multiple games in the franchise, and he has yet to achieve his goal of igniting World War 3. I'm excited to see what the future holds for Makarov and I hope that he will get a more memorable storyline in future games.