Call of Duty Fans Demand the Epic Return of This Popular Feature in Future Games

Call of Duty Fans Demand the Epic Return of This Popular Feature in Future Games

Call of Duty fans eagerly anticipate the franchise's return this year, with online outcry demanding the revival of a beloved feature removed in Modern Warfare 2

Fans of the Call of Duty franchise are demanding the revival of the Play of the Game feature in future installments. While hilarious killcams are a beloved aspect of Call of Duty, the current system is failing to meet players' expectations.

The latest addition to the franchise, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, has received mixed reviews at best. Despite Infinity Ward's efforts to provide regular content updates since its release, much of it has been disappointing for the community. Rather than resolving long-standing issues, many updates seem to be introducing new problems into Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. However, there have been some notable improvements. With the recent anti-cheat update "disorienting" cheaters by showing them illusions of actual players, the game has taken a step in the right direction. Although frequent updates may be limited in the coming months, it is hoped that Infinity Ward will continue to make the most of the time available.

The Call of Duty series has included an end-of-match killcam for many years. Initially, it showed the winning kill regardless of its quality. Over time, it transitioned to a Play of the Game format, showcasing the best moment from the winning team. Tyranoreese, in a Reddit thread, highlights why this new format is more exciting. Currently, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has returned to the final kill system, and the reasons behind this change remain undisclosed.

According to Tyranoreese, the winning killcam in the current system is often underwhelming. Another user on the thread humorously suggests that Infinity Ward removed the Play of the Game feature because it was deemed good. This removal of fan-favorite features in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 by Infinity Ward has only added to the frustration within the community. Fans are vocal about their desires for the series and hope that the developer will listen.

With the upcoming release of the next installment, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is unlikely to feature the popular Play of the Game. However, there is hope that Sledgehammer Games, rumored to be developing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, can bring back this beloved feature with a fresh approach. As the 2023 Call of Duty game has not yet been unveiled, any speculation about its potential content is purely speculative.