Breaking News: Unprecedented Move Shuts Down Multiplayer Servers of Classic Call of Duty Games

Breaking News: Unprecedented Move Shuts Down Multiplayer Servers of Classic Call of Duty Games

Experience a heartbreaking loss as beloved classic Call of Duty games bid farewell to their online multiplayer servers on legacy platforms, leaving gamers unable to relish their thrilling multiplayer gameplay


Classic Call of Duty games on select Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS have permanently gone offline, leaving players unable to engage in multiplayer matches or online activities.

The games in question come from a period when the franchise focused more on realism and predated Call of Duty's tendency to bring back its antagonists.

Though the removal of online features may not affect a large number of players, there are still those who appreciate the traditional COD experience and may favor it over the more recent live-service titles.

Several classic Call of Duty games on select Nintendo platforms have apparently gone offline permanently, rendering multiplayer matches and online activities impossible. While many COD fans have already moved on from these titles, the unavailability of key features is disappointing news.

Of significance is the fact that the affected games are from a time when the franchise embraced a more realistic narrative and before Call of Duty began constantly reintroducing its villains. This may be disheartening for those who preferred the earlier, less over-the-top COD experiences.

According to reports, all Call of Duty games on Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS systems have been taken offline. Activision confirmed that the issue stems from the discontinuation of the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service on the Wii, DS, and DSi consoles. The COD titles on these platforms utilized the Wi-Fi Connection service for their online features, and with its discontinuation, the multiplayer components of these games are no longer functional.

Although it is expected that only a small number of people still play Call of Duty on Nintendo's older consoles, there are still gamers who enjoy the classic COD experience. Additionally, some individuals may have been deterred by the newer titles' approach to content, balance, progression, and monetization, prompting them to revisit franchise entries from the early 2010s.

The console and PC versions of Call of Duty games from this era, like Modern Warfare 3 and Black Ops, are still functioning well. There is a possibility that future Call of Duty games might reintroduce classic features for veteran players, although they would likely have to deal with celebrity-themed skins and seasonal content grind.

The upcoming Call of Duty game will be revealed soon and it appears to be a direct continuation of Modern Warfare 2 from 2022. Some content from that game will carry over to the new title. While it may not be reminiscent of the classic games that were not available on Nintendo consoles, it is still worth monitoring.