All posts - Tag: US Congress

All posts - Tag: US Congress

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US Congress Members Strengthen Taiwan's Defense in Response to China's Military Drills

US Congress members reinforced Taiwan's defense capabilities during a bipartisan visit to the island, aiming to enhance deterrence against China following recent military exercises near Taiwan's borde...

US National Security Adviser Optimistic About Passing More Ukraine Aid in Congress

Amidst ongoing delays, the US national security adviser remains hopeful for the approval of supplementary military assistance for Ukraine by the House of Representatives. Despite facing obstacles in C...

The Battle for Ukraine: A Closer Look at the Fight for Western Support

As the aid to Ukraine faces uncertainty in the US Congress and the potential impact of a Trump presidency, the head of Ukraine's defense intelligence shares his perspective on the situation and the co...

Betraying Allies: US Congress and Slovakian Voters Abandon Ukraine

The US Congress and Slovakian voters have dealt a blow to Ukraine, giving a significant advantage to Russian President Vladimir Putin David A Andelman's article highlights the support that Putin's bac...