All posts - Tag: Skyward Sword
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Created date 27/07/2023
Discover the enchanting world of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom as it pays homage to the beloved Skyward Sword Brace yourself for thrilling minecart adventures, iconic outfits, the majestic White Sword o...
Created date 10/07/2023
Tears of the Kingdom: A Missed Opportunity to Connect with Skyward Sword's Legacy, Disappointing Fans Expecting a Link Between the Two Games
Created date 09/07/2023
In The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, a player stumbles upon a striking statue that bears a striking resemblance to Rauru from Tears of the Kingdom Journey through this captivating adventure and disc...
Created date 03/07/2023
Tears of the Kingdom takes a core concept from Skyward Sword and elevates it to new heights, creating an immersive world where the sky islands play a vital role