All posts - Tag: Sam Neill

All posts - Tag: Sam Neill

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Sam Neill Reveals How His 'Apples Never Fall' Role Evoked Fear & His Admiration for Annette Bening

Discover how Neill's portrayal in 'Apples Never Fall' stirred emotions and his appreciation for Annette Bening. Dive into his tennis preparation for the role as well.

Fearlessly Battling Cancer: Sam Neill's Unyielding Spirit Surpasses Retirement Worries

Sam Neill triumphs over rare cancer, embracing life's passions The resilient actor, in remission, fearlessly pursues his love for acting

Jurassic Park Star Sam Neill Fearlessly Defies Death in Brave Blood Cancer Battle

Jurassic Park star Sam Neill fearlessly faces his battle against stage 3 blood cancer, expressing his unwavering courage and resilience in the face of ongoing treatments

Surprising Twist: Sam Neill's Unexpected Choices for the Next James Bond!

Sam Neill, the former frontrunner for the iconic role of James Bond, shocks fans as he unveils his unexpected choices for the next 007 Will his surprising picks have a real shot at becoming the next B...