Marvel Studios faces a compelling dilemma regarding the portrayal of Kang in the upcoming Avengers 5 movie. With the departure of Jonathan Majors, fans are divided over the best course of action for t...
Explore the deeper meaning of Kang the Conqueror's influence on the fate of Iron Man in the MCU, and how it ties into the multiverse and the Sacred Timeline.
Marvel fans rally behind an unconventional candidate to step into Jonathan Majors’ shoes as the MCU’s Kang, leaving us to question if Marvel Studios is deviating from their original plans for the icon...
Marvel Studios' decision to part ways with Jonathan Majors as Kang the Conqueror has left fans wondering about the future of the character in the MCU. Here's what could happen next.
Loki Season 2 Director Dan Deleeuw discusses mind-blowing MCU Easter eggs and exciting timeline theories, including the introduction of the formidable Kang Get ready for an epic continuation of Loki's...