George Lucas, the creator of the iconic Star Wars franchise, has openly admitted to struggling with the portrayal of romance in his scripts. This article explores the challenges faced by Lucas in inco...
A deep dive into how Rogue One: A Star Wars Story closely aligns with George Lucas' vision for the Star Wars saga and why it stands out as the best representation of his creative approach.
An incredible find in a family's 2005 Disney World photo - George Lucas spotted lurking in the background! The Star Wars account couldn't resist responding to this mind-blowing revelation
Dave Filoni continues George Lucas' visionary storytelling in Star Wars by delving into the intriguing Mortis history, complementing Lucas' original trilogy of captivating Mortis stories
Discover the ultimate solution to Jabba the Hutt's scene in Star Wars! George Lucas' attempts may have fallen short, but we unveil the perfect fix Dive into an improved introduction that will enhance...
Ahsoka's composer Kevin Kiner shares a comical encounter with George Lucas, potentially altering the entire soundtrack Discover the amusing story behind their first meeting!
Star Wars' new era challenges George Lucas' original vision for Emperor Palpatine The franchise disregards Palpatine's secret identity, leaving fans wondering why the Sith Lord's true nature is no lon...