All posts - Tag: data analysis

All posts - Tag: data analysis

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Unveiling Google Analytics' Cutting-Edge Trend Change Detection Feature

Discover how Google Analytics' latest innovation in trend change detection revolutionizes data analysis and insight generation, empowering users to stay ahead of subtle shifts in metrics.

What Are the Different Types of Data Analysis Techniques and Steps to Implement Them?

Data analysis is the process of examining information to uncover insights and patterns It involves collecting, cleaning, modeling, and transforming data using statistical or analytical tools This help...

Mastering What-If Analysis: Tools and Examples

Discover the power of What-If Analysis, a common process used by data analysts, managers, and Excel users Explore its meaning, applications, and 3 essential tools, including Scenario Manager, Goal See...

Understanding the 6 Most Common Types of Data for Analysis

Understanding the various types of data is crucial in statistical analysis The six most commonly used are nominal, categorical, ordinal, dichotomous, continuous, and discrete data Each type has its ow...

Univariate analysis: Basic statistical techniques for data analysis

Learn the basics of univariate analysis with this article. Discover various statistical techniques like hypothesis testing, correlation analysis, and regression analysis, along with descriptive statis...