All posts - Tag: AI technology

All posts - Tag: AI technology

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Shelter Dogs Get Makeovers with AI for Faster Adoptions

Discover how Adoptable leverages advanced artificial intelligence technology and extensive media presence to enhance shelter dog advertisements, accelerating the adoption process with captivating visu...

Agency Implements Adobe's AI-Powered GenStudio for Content Creation

In a bid to remain competitive, an agency holding company is leveraging AI technology to enhance content creation efficiency and scalability for various brands and marketing initiatives.

Crunchyroll's Exploration of AI for Anime Subtitling

Discover how Crunchyroll is delving into the realm of artificial intelligence for subtitling and closed captioning of anime episodes. Dive into the details shared by Crunchyroll President Rahul Purini...

The Evolution of Pokemon Tournaments: Embracing AI in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Discover how the world of Pokemon tournaments is taking a futuristic turn with the integration of AI technology in the upcoming Pokemon Scarlet and Violet tournament.

Google's Innovative Approach to Combat Fake Reviews and Protect Businesses

Discover how Google is revolutionizing the fight against fake reviews using cutting-edge AI technology to safeguard the reputations of local businesses.

Revolutionizing Marketing: Coke Zero Sugar Finds Its Voice Through AI Technology

Discover how Coca-Cola is transforming the marketing landscape by giving Coke Zero Sugar a voice using cutting-edge AI technology and engaging consumers in a unique way.

The Vital Role of Humans in Air Traffic Control Amid Advancing AI Technology

Exploring the critical role of human air traffic controllers amidst the advancements in AI technology and the future of air traffic control management.

The Growing Threat of AI-Generated Deepfakes

The rise of AI-generated deepfakes poses a significant threat to privacy and consent, impacting individuals at an unprecedented level. This article delves into the implications of deepfake technology...

Pakistan's Incarcerated Ex-Prime Minister Imran Khan Harnesses AI for Pre-election Address

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, currently imprisoned, astounds his supporters by employing cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) to deliver an impassioned speech With an AI-generated v...

Coca-Cola Takes a Glimpse of the Year 3000 Inside Las Vegas Sphere with AI Technology

Coca-Cola leverages AI to imagine the future of Las Vegas on a grand scale with the introduction of Coca-Cola Y3000 Zero Sugar, a groundbreaking beverage co-developed with artificial intelligence