Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Power of Beast Master Ranger Animal Companions!

Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Power of Beast Master Ranger Animal Companions!

The Ranger animal companions in Baldur's Gate 3 offer unique utility and strength in various situations Ranked from least to greatest, the options include: Wolf, Boar, Dire Raven, Bear, and the formidable Wolf Spider

While some subclasses in Baldur's Gate 3 can be selected at Level 1, the Ranger chooses their subclass at Level 3. Among the three Ranger subclasses in Baldur's Gate 3, the Beast Master subclass is widely considered the optimal choice for those who prefer not to multiclass in the future. One of the main reasons for this subclass' effectiveness lies in its ability to summon an animal companion.

In Baldur's Gate 3, an effective method to enhance combat is to expand the size of the party using summoning abilities. By doing so, the enemy party is presented with more targets to focus on, thereby generally reducing the amount of direct damage inflicted upon the players. However, the animal companions offered by the Beast Master Ranger's subclass offer much more than simply serving as a protective shield.

5 Wolf

Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Power of Beast Master Ranger Animal Companions!

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Notable Abilities:

Lunging Bite, Pack Tactics, Lupine Slash

The Wolf companion in BG3 Rangers has the advantage of high potential for direct damage in melee combat. At Beast Master Level 3, Wolves have a powerful Bite attack, along with the ability to knock enemies down using Lunging Bite. Additionally, Pack Tactics ensures that the Wolf companion always has Advantage when an ally is within 3m of the target. As the Wolves progress, they gain Infectious Bite, which can inflict the Septic status effect, and a short-range cleave ability called Lupine Slash at Beast Master Level 11. Norse mythology and Dark Souls fans will particularly appreciate this ability, as the Wolf companion summons a spectral sword for a wide-sweeping slash.

4 Boar

However, the Wolf companion does have several drawbacks. Firstly, it lacks any truly game-altering abilities and fails to provide players with any particularly advantageous tools. Unlike a Boar that can charge into battle, Ravens that can blind foes, Bears that can summon reinforcements, or Spiders that can inflict various debilitating effects beyond just the Septic effect.

Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Power of Beast Master Ranger Animal Companions!

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Notable Abilities:

Boars make a strong companion choice for Rangers in BG3 due to their fierce nature in close combat and their ability to swiftly close distances when needed. Among the Ranger companions, boars are unique as they have the ability to Rage, allowing them to attack as a Bonus Action. However, the most advantageous skill of the boar in Baldur's Gate 3 is its Boar Charge. This skill enables the Ranger's boar companion to charge towards a designated spot, dealing 1d4+1 damage and potentially knocking the target down.

This is extremely beneficial when facing close-range fighters, as they will struggle to attack allies on their next turn after being knocked down. Later on, it can throw up a sheet of mud to significantly decrease the enemy's Armor Class and Movement Speed in a wide cone area. This skill is particularly valuable during the later stages of the game, when successfully hitting enemies becomes challenging for under-equipped individuals.

However, the Boar companion falls short in terms of strength and utility when compared to the top Ranger companions in BG3. It does outperform the wolf in its capacity to knock down multiple enemies and lower their Armor Class, but the Raven, Bear, and Spider each possess abilities that can substantially alter the outcome of a battle.

3 Dire Raven

Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Power of Beast Master Ranger Animal Companions!

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Notable Abilities:

Rend Vision, Bad Omen, On Black Wings

The Raven, Bear, and Spider are all excellent choices for Beast Master Rangers in BG3 and can be used interchangeably as needed. While the Raven may be considered the weakest of the three, its abilities are still incredibly powerful both in and out of combat. Notably, it is the only companion that can Fly, allowing its master to access unreachable areas.

The abilities of the BG3 Dire Raven are valuable in different circumstances. It starts with the basic Rend Vision, which has limited utility. However, at Level 5, it gains the immensely powerful ability called Bad Omen. When successfully used, Bad Omen deals 2d8 damage and Curses the enemy, granting Advantage to all attacks against it. Additionally, at Beast Master Level 11, players unlock the capability to summon two more Level 3 Ravens to fight alongside the Dire Raven. Having multiple companions in the party serves as an effective distraction for enemies, and these additional Ravens also possess the ability to Rend Vision.

The downside of selecting the Dire Raven is that its On Black Wings capability solely summons Level 3 Ravens. By the time players reach Level 11 in BG3, both the adversaries they encounter and the players themselves are significantly more powerful, making it exceedingly difficult for a Level 3 companion to hold its ground or even score a hit. While these two additional Ravens do provide effective defense, the Bear's Level 11 ability surpasses the Dire Raven's in virtually every aspect.

2 Bear

Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Power of Beast Master Ranger Animal Companions!

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Notable Abilities:

The Bear is the sturdiest choice among the top Ranger animal companions, boasting the highest base HP and attacks that are proficient at hitting multiple enemies or inflicting damage on them simultaneously. Upon reaching Level 3, the Bear gains the ability to employ Goading Roar, which places any target at a disadvantage when attacking anyone other than the Bear. Additionally, the Bear possesses Claws, a cleave attack that deals a modest amount of damage in a cone directly in front of it.

At Level 5, Bears gain the skill Honeyed Paws, allowing them to Disarm opponents upon hitting them. Additionally, they can knock down enemies who are not wielding weapons or have weapons that cannot be knocked away. However, it is at Level 11 where the Bear truly proves its worth in the party. With the Ursine Reinforcements ability, players can summon another Bear. Unlike the Ravens' companions, which start at Level 3, the additional Bear summoned through Ursine Reinforcements is of the same level and possesses all the same abilities.

Although the Bear provides a good defensive option at lower levels, its true potential is realized in Act 3, where players quickly reach the maximum level. Ursine Reinforcements not only provides more targets for enemies to spread out their damage, but the additional summoned Bear is just as capable as the Ranger's regular Bear companion. Despite this, the Wolf Spider remains superior, as it possesses unique abilities that other animals do not and boasts one of the highest AC values among all available Ranger companion choices.

1 Wolf Spider

Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Power of Beast Master Ranger Animal Companions!

HP Pool Total:


Base AC Value:


Notable Abilities:

Web, Cocoon, Bursting Brood

The Wolf Spider stands out as the ultimate Ranger companion in BG3 for several reasons. From the beginning, it showcases a wide range of powerful abilities and only grows stronger and more beneficial to the party. Right off the bat, at Level 3, it possesses Venomous Bite, a debilitating attack that inflicts poison, the ability to weave Webs to immobilize opponents, and Darkvision, an advantage that sets it apart from other pets.

But its arsenal expands further at Level 5 with the addition of Cocoon, a remarkable skill that ensnares a target in webs, rendering them paralyzed until either the Cocoon dissipates or an ally intervenes. This exceptional crowd control ability surpasses what other Ranger companions can offer. Furthermore, at Level 11, it acquires Bursting Brood, an outstanding combat skill. By using this single-target attack, it bestows the Infested status effect on the enemy, leading to continuous damage of 1d4 Piercing and 1d4 Poison every turn. However, caution is necessary because when the infected host dies, the Infestation spreads to nearby creatures. Thus, if you intend to utilize this ability, it is advisable to keep your Melee companions at a safe distance from the conflict.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available for PC and PlayStation 5. A version for Xbox Series X|S is currently in development.