Badlands Revisiting a Classic Predator Twist: A Near-Future Deja Vu?

Badlands Revisiting a Classic Predator Twist: A Near-Future Deja Vu?

Explore how Badlands could potentially recreate a beloved Predator plot twist.

While Badlands is set in the future, the Predator reboot could take a page from the franchise's past for a clever storytelling technique. The Predator movies have never quite captured the essence of the original 1987 cult favorite, but they have come close when they play with audience expectations. Movies like Alien Vs Predator, Alien Vs Predator: Requiem, and 2018's The Predator, set on present-day Earth, have received poor reviews. On the other hand, Predator films with unexpected settings and twists tend to be better received.

For instance, in 2010's Predators, humans were brought to an alien planet to fend off the deadly threat, a creative twist that enhanced the film. In the acclaimed 2022 reboot Prey, the action was taken back to 1719 as a Comanche warrior faced off against the alien bounty hunter without modern weapons and emerged victorious. Similarly, the underrated 1990 film Predator 2 shifted the series to a crime-ridden near-future Los Angeles, where the city became a battleground for gangs and the Predator, adding depth to the story. It appears that Badlands will be following a similar approach in the franchise playbook.

Badlands' Near-Future Premise Sounds Like Predator 2

Predator 2 used the setting effectively

Danny Glover in Predator 2 - Predator 2 used the setting effectively - Badlands' Near-Future Premise Sounds Like Predator 2

Danny Glover in Predator 2 - Predator 2 used the setting effectively - Badlands' Near-Future Premise Sounds Like Predator 2

Released in 1990, Predator 2 was actually set in the near future of 1997. This decision gave the sequel a unique dystopian vibe, blending the original Predator's survival theme with the gritty tone of John Carpenter's Escape From New York. The upcoming Predator series reboot will follow a similar approach by setting the story in the future. Titled Badlands, this standalone Predator movie will hit theaters before Prey 2, the direct sequel to the franchise's latest installment.

Repeating Predator 2's Setup Could Be Great For The Franchise

Badlands envisions a future where humans have advanced technology to battle Predators, but are too distracted by internal conflicts to fully utilize it. This scenario reflects the storyline of Predator 2, where gang warfare in LA provides the Predator with a perfect camouflage to hunt. By following this plot, Badlands can demonstrate that the Predator remains a formidable adversary, despite human technological progress, due to human interference. This approach also allows Badlands to present a fresh and captivating vision of the future to the audience.

It can update a core theme of Predator movies

Greyback on board the mothership in Predator 2 - It can update a core theme of Predator movies - Repeating Predator 2's Setup Could Be Great For The Franchise

Greyback on board the mothership in Predator 2 - It can update a core theme of Predator movies - Repeating Predator 2's Setup Could Be Great For The Franchise

The futuristic setting of Badlands opens up new possibilities for characters to use space travel, advanced tech, and other plot elements not yet explored in the series. In the past, humanity has relied on nature to combat the Predator, like Naru's herbal medicine in Prey or Dutch's mud coating in the original movie. However, Badlands can break this pattern by allowing heroes to incorporate more technology in their fight against the monster. This shift in approach could provide a fresh take on the Predator franchise while also paying homage to a successful trick from a previous sequel.

Editor's P/S:

The article provides an intriguing analysis of the Predator franchise, suggesting that the upcoming "Badlands" reboot could benefit from adopting a storytelling technique used in successful past installments. The writer highlights the positive reception of films like "Predators" and "Prey," which featured unexpected settings and twists, as opposed to the poorly received reboots set on present-day Earth.

The article proposes that "Badlands" could follow the example of "Predator 2" by setting the story in a near-future dystopian setting, where human advancements coexist with internal conflicts. This approach allows for a fresh vision of the future and emphasizes the Predator's enduring threat despite technological progress. It also opens up possibilities for incorporating advanced technology into the characters' strategies against the alien hunter, creating a unique and engaging experience for viewers.