Avoiding the Keanu Reeves Misstep: Ensuring Success for the Latest John Wick TV Series

The stakes are high for the new John Wick series, but learning from past mistakes is key to its success. Let's make sure history doesn't repeat itself.
A new John Wick TV show has been confirmed and is in the works. It is crucial for this project to avoid making the same mistake as The Continental. Even though John Wick: Chapter 4 appeared to conclude the main character's story, more movies and TV shows within the John Wick franchise are in the pipeline. Lionsgate surprised fans by announcing a new John Wick TV series in March 2024, following the lukewarm reception of The Continental. Generally, The Continental received poorer reviews compared to the John Wick movies. There are various ways in which the spinoff could have been more successful.
One common criticism of The Continental is that it lacks the essence of the John Wick universe. Despite including Easter eggs and references to the movies, viewers often feel that the series fails to capture the true spirit of John Wick. This critique extends to the style, visual presentation, and storyline. Most notably, there is a significant element missing from The Continental that the upcoming TV series cannot afford to overlook.
The Continental season 1 is streaming on Peacock.
The Next John Wick Show Can't Repeat The Continental's Keanu Reeves Mistake
Keanu Reeves Baba Yaga hands over something to Winston in John Wick 4 - The Next John Wick Show Can't Repeat The Continental's Keanu Reeves Mistake
Keanu Reeves is the main attraction in the John Wick movies, which is why The Continental TV show doesn't do as well. The upcoming John Wick series should learn from this and make sure to include Reeves in the lead role. Even though a prequel can't have Baba Yaga due to the timeline, any future plans from Lionsgate should try to involve him. This will keep fans interested and tie the show to the rest of the movie world.
The Continental Spinoff Was Missing What Makes John Wick So Great
There were rumors circulating before The Continental's release about the possibility of John Wick making an appearance in the show. Unfortunately, this did not materialize, adding to the disappointment of fans and highlighting other shortcomings of the series. For the next installment to thrive, a key factor will be a return to the core elements that have made the John Wick movies so beloved.
A young Winston talking to Mel Gibson in The Continental - The Continental Spinoff Was Missing What Makes John Wick So Great
The absence of Reeves isn't the only thing that impacted The Continental; there's also a lack of connection to his movies and the story they tell. In an interview with MovieWeb, John Wick star Ian McShane mentioned that the series is disconnected from the films, implying that Peacock was capitalizing on a connection that wasn't really there. McShane revealed that the film's talent was not consulted or involved, highlighting a larger problem with The Continental: it loses sight of what makes John Wick so special.
Keanu Reeves may not be the star of future John Wick shows, but there are still ways for him to be involved. John Wick stands out in the action genre due to the passion of its cast and crew, including Reeves, McShane, and Laurence Fishburne. While The Continental may struggle to live up to the movies, there is hope for the next TV show to better integrate into the John Wick franchise.
Keanu Reeves holding a samurai sword in John Wick - How Keanu Reeves Can Be Involved In Future John Wick Shows, Even If He Doesn't Star
The details about the upcoming John Wick TV show are still under wraps, but having Keanu Reeves involved should not be a challenge if the show is set around the same time as the movies. A prequel series exploring John Wick's life before the first film might be tricky, but it could shed light on some of the mysteries surrounding the character. With more John Wick movies in the works, there is a possibility of Reeves reprising his role in a leading capacity. However, there would need to be a compelling reason for his return to be in a TV series rather than another film.
The new project could include Reeves making a cameo appearance, connecting it to the John Wick movies. Finding a strong main character will be crucial for the show to be successful like The Continental. Having Reeves in a brief role will help establish the link between the TV series and the movies. If the actor serves as an advisor behind the scenes, it can ensure that the new show stays true to the franchise. Ultimately, upcoming spinoffs and sequels need to achieve this important goal.
Editor's P/S:
The upcoming John Wick TV show has the potential to be a great success, but it must avoid the mistakes made by The Continental. One of the biggest criticisms of The Continental is that it lacks the essence of the John Wick universe. The show fails to capture the style, visual presentation, and storyline that have made the John Wick movies so beloved. Another major criticism is the absence of Keanu Reeves, who is the main attraction in the John Wick movies. Without Reeves, The Continental feels like a hollow imitation of the real thing.
To avoid these mistakes, the upcoming John Wick TV show should focus on what makes the John Wick movies so great. It should have a strong connection to the movies and the story they tell. It should also include Keanu Reeves in a leading role. If the show can do these things, it has the potential to be a great success.