Attention: World of Warcraft Creates Hilarious Meme Featuring NASA's Latest Telescope Picture
World of Warcraft's official Twitter account cleverly utilizes NASA's James Webb telescope's newest image to create an entertaining and timely meme
World of Warcraft jumps on board with the excitement generated by NASA's detection of a puzzling golden query symbol in outer space, crafting a meme that flawlessly encapsulates the resemblance between the astronomical entity and the game's quest indicators.
World of Warcraft has shared an image featuring a globe depicting Azeroth's map, accompanied by a comically positioned golden question mark symbolizing the response to the unidentified object in space. Enthusiastic fans of the game are indulging in this meme, jokingly discussing purchasing a spaceship to migrate to Azeroth and speculating the potential introduction of a "Universe Quest." In addition, the meme cleverly references Blizzard's meticulous attention to detail through a subtle nod to the sword of Sargeras.
World of Warcraft joined in the excitement generated by NASA's finding of a golden question mark in space, creating its own meme. While numerous memes related to this mysterious celestial object are funny, the one shared by World of Warcraft stood out as exceptionally ideal.
Not long ago, the James Webb Telescope of NASA captured an image of the vast expanse of space, revealing an unidentified entity resembling a colossal golden question mark. Viewers who were gamers inevitably drew parallels to similar symbols found in games like World of Warcraft, symbolizing completed quests.
The official World of Warcraft Twitter took advantage of the opportunity and created their own joke. They shared an image of a globe with the map of Azeroth covering it. The iconic golden question mark, typically seen in the game, hovers above the planet, playfully answering the mysterious celestial object. This new World of Warcraft meme adds a humorous twist to the phrase “World Quest.”
Scientists remain unsure about the true identity of this enigmatic object. Some theories suggest it could be a distant galaxy or perhaps two galaxies locked in a gravitational dance. Regardless, the question mark-shaped object lies more than 1,500 light years away from Earth–still within reach of the James Webb Space Telescope's 13 billion light-year range. Future images might provide more insight into the nature of this unidentified phenomenon.
Meanwhile, avid World of Warcraft enthusiasts are reveling in the hilarity of the meme. Some players amusingly expressed their desire to purchase a spaceship to relocate to Azeroth, while others humorously speculated on a potential new "Universe Quest" in the game. Observant gamers also took note of the sword of Sargeras protruding from the planet in the meme, which served as a reassurance that Blizzard had not forgotten about it.
The NASA image not only brought to mind the world of World of Warcraft for players, but also evoked thoughts of the distinct planets and sectors in Star Fox. Additionally, some jesting individuals playfully remarked that they had finally discovered the elusive last Riddler trophy from Batman: Arkham Knights. Considering the myriad of questions surrounding the unidentified celestial object – be it a quest marker, a system glitch, a subtle nod to Batman, or an enigmatic celestial body – its appearance seems fitting.
World of Warcraft is available now for PC.