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Created date 25/05/2024
NASA's latest mission involves deploying research satellites to analyze the heat dissipation in the Arctic and Antarctica, shedding light on Earth's polar regions.
Created date 22/05/2024
Following the discovery of a helium leak in the spacecraft, NASA has decided to remove the previously set target date for the much-anticipated crewed launch, with no new date announced at this time.
Created date 24/04/2024
Recent observations from a NASA spacecraft during flybys of Jupiter's moon Io, the solar system's only volcanic world, have revealed stunning images of a large lava lake and a towering mountain resemb...
Created date 17/04/2024
Confirmation from NASA reveals that debris deliberately released from the International Space Station made impact with a residence in Naples, Florida. The incident highlights the dangers of space junk...
Created date 16/04/2024
In response to financial limitations, NASA is reimagining the strategy behind the Mars Sample Return initiative, a collaborative effort with the European Space Agency, to ensure the safe return of sam...
Created date 13/04/2024
Explore the significant impact of the 2003 Columbia disaster on NASA's risk management practices and its enduring influence on the evolution of rocket technology.
Created date 08/04/2024
Discover how NASA's sounding rockets and high-altitude research planes are deployed to study total solar eclipses, shedding light on the sun's behavior and its influence on Earth's environment for enh...
Created date 27/03/2024
Following an unexpected event, three astronauts remain unharmed as their planned journey to the International Space Station was halted just moments before liftoff from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazak...
Created date 26/03/2024
NASA's recent 'poke' to Voyager 1 has led to a significant breakthrough in communication, potentially aiding in restoring reliable contact with the distant spacecraft located 15 billion miles away.
Created date 26/03/2024
As the Perseverance rover diligently gathers samples on Mars for future return to Earth, the critical factor of government funding comes into play. Without adequate support from Congress, the fate of...