Among Us Introduces Exciting Updates

Among Us Introduces Exciting Updates

Discover the latest updates in Among Us, bringing a range of enhancements, bug fixes, and improved gameplay features to elevate your gaming experience. Dive into the new improvements designed to take your Among Us adventures to the next level.

Among Us has recently released update v2024.3.05, which includes fixes for lobby settings, cosmetics, and crewmates. In addition to these fixes, the update also includes quality-of-life improvements that aim to make the gameplay experience better for Among Us players.

Among Us is a popular online multiplayer game created by InnerSloth, set in space. Players are divided into a group aboard a spaceship or space station, with most being crewmates and a few impostors. Crewmates must complete tasks to keep the ship running, all while trying to identify and vote out the impostors who are trying to sabotage tasks and eliminate players. Impostors must eliminate crewmates and sabotage the ship without getting caught. The game's focus on social deduction, communication, and strategy makes it enjoyable for players of all ages.

Among Us has had some issues with bugs in the past, but the latest update v2024.3.05 has brought a lot of important fixes and improvements. Now, Crewmates won't suddenly teleport or snap to a task when they start it, making it easier to complete tasks smoothly. The Main Menu also won't suddenly turn black after quickly choosing a map from the Practice Menu. There are also many small fixes to keep your character looking great. And now, when using a controller, you won't see RB and R1 prompts twice on the screen while using cams, making it easier to use the controller.

Twitter article posted by Among Us

In Classic mode, the Among Us impostor will no longer have their count reduced twice when an ejected impostor leaves the game. This change ensures fair and balanced gameplay for all participants. On the Airship map, Crewmates will no longer get stuck in the climbing animation on ladders after a sabotage ends, making gameplay smoother. Also, on The Fungle map, Crewmates' hats will no longer float behind them when riding the zipline. Various platform-specific fixes have been made, including preventing crashes and soft locks on Xbox and Android devices.

An impostor makes their move on a dummy by using the mushroom cloud - However, some existing issues will still persist after the update

An impostor makes their move on a dummy by using the mushroom cloud - However, some existing issues will still persist after the update

However, there are still some existing issues that will remain even after the update. These known bugs include problems with ziplines, account logins, and linking Discord accounts, among others. The team is actively working to fix these issues to ensure a smooth gaming experience for all players.

Among Us has become extremely popular as a co-op game, and the developer encourages players to provide feedback and report bugs to help in its ongoing improvement. It's worth noting that v2024.3.05 is not compatible with older versions, so players need to update their games to continue playing seamlessly with everyone.

Among Us Update v2024.3.05 Notes


Crewmates will no longer teleport or ‘snap’ to a task when starting one.

Main Menu no longer goes to black screen after quickly selecting a map from the Practice Menu.

A variety of cosmetic fixes so you can continue having good drip.

RB and R1 prompts don’t appear on the screen twice when using cams on controller.

Lobby Settings won’t remain on screen at the start of a match.

Previewing items in a Cosmicube display on your selected Crewmate color instead of defaulting to Red.

[Classic] When an ejected Impostor leaves the game, the Impostor count will no longer reduce twice.

[Airship] Crewmates will no longer get stuck in the climbing animation on a ladder when a sabotage ends.

Crewmates in The Fungle now hold onto their hats instead of having them float behind them while riding the zipline.

When a sabotage ends, Crewmates in The Fungle will no longer clip through the map while using the zipline or ladders.

[Android] Players can now move close to a dead Crewmate without the game crashing under specific conditions.

[Xbox] Players will no longer experience soft locks if their controller disconnects while using ziplines, platforms, or ladders.

[Console] The game will no longer crash if you tilt the left stick to drop the final piece of the “Assemble Artifact” task.

[Crossplatform] The cosmetic icon "You're Boned" is now showing up correctly.

Known Bugs:

[The Fungle] Crewmates may sometimes leave their hand behind on the zipline.

[The Fungle] If you're playing with the Right Hand Man skin and using the zipline, you might notice that your player's left hand doesn't look quite right in terms of color.

[Crossplatform] When trying to combine a temporary account with a full account, some players might run into a Friendcode Fail error that stops them from logging into their account.

Impostors can surprise a Crewmate by teleporting to a vent nearby when the Crewmate finishes the “Clean Vent” task, even if the Impostor wasn't in the vent initially.

Players on iOS who have deleted their account data may face difficulty logging in after making a new account on the same device.

[Android] Some players may be unable to link their Discord accounts to their Among Us account.

Editor's P/S:

The latest update for Among Us, v2024.3.05, brings a host of fixes and improvements that aim to enhance the gameplay experience for players. These include resolving issues with crewmate teleportation, black screens in the Main Menu, and incorrect button prompts on controllers. The update also addresses bugs related to impostors and crewmates on specific maps, such as the Airship and The Fungle.

Despite the significant fixes, there are still some known issues that the development team is actively working to resolve. These include problems with ziplines, account logins, and Discord account linking. Players are encouraged to provide feedback and report bugs to assist in the ongoing improvement of the game. The developer emphasizes that v2024.3.05 is not compatible with older versions, so players should update their games promptly to continue playing seamlessly with others.