Alan Wake 2: Uncover the Delights of Mayor Setter (The Joys in Life Trophy/Achievement)

Alan Wake 2: Uncover the Delights of Mayor Setter (The Joys in Life Trophy/Achievement)

Discover the secrets of Alan Wake 2's The Nice Things in Life Trophy/Achievement Uncover the locations of all Mayor Setter signs in Bright Falls and Watery, leading you to the adorable mayor Earn the ultimate charm reward by successfully petting this beloved canine character

How to Pet Mayor Setter in Alan Wake 2 (The Nice Things in Life Trophy/Achievement)

How to Find Mayor Setter in Alan Wake 2 and Earn Rewards

Alan Wake 2: Uncover the Delights of Mayor Setter (The Joys in Life Trophy/Achievement)

One of the most heartwarming optional side quests in Alan Wake 2 involves discovering and interacting with the mayor of Bright Falls. Initially, it may be unclear who this mayor is or why they have gained such popularity. However, players who carefully observe the campaign booths decorated with the mayor's name and catchy slogans might just uncover their charming personality. These delightful Mayor Setter booths are evenly distributed across the regions of Bright Falls and Watery, with a total of six booths to discover.

Be sure to interact with all signs and read the slogans.

All Mayor Setter Signs in Bright Falls

Bright Falls has a total of 3 Mayor Setter stations, of which the first two can be acquired at the beginning of Saga's first chapter, Return 1: Invitation, upon her arrival in town. However, the third station remains inaccessible to players until they have progressed further into the storyline, specifically in chapter Return 5: Old Gods, after completing the story objectives at the Valhalla Nursing Home and Wellness Center.

Alan Wake 2: Uncover the Delights of Mayor Setter (The Joys in Life Trophy/Achievement)

As shown on the map above, the locations of the booths in Bright Falls are:

1. Across the street from the Oh Deer Diner

2. Behind the Elderwood Palace Lodge on Coal Street

3. At the Valhalla Nursing Home front entrance (after completing story objectives here during Return 5: Old Gods)

All Mayor Setter Signs in Watery

The washed-out area of Watery becomes available to explore during Saga's chapter Return 3: Local Girl. There are 3 booths here, and all can be found in this chapter.

Alan Wake 2: Uncover the Delights of Mayor Setter (The Joys in Life Trophy/Achievement)

Referencing the map, players will locate the Watery booths at:

1. The Suomi Hall main entrance

2. Next to the safe room north of the Lighthouse Trailer Park

Inside Coffee World, there is a statue of Mr. Drippy (located near the Coffee World cult stash key). This marks a pivotal moment in Saga's chapter Return 6: Scratch. Once players reach this point, they are unable to go back to any previous areas in this chapter. The game will notify players with a warning when they reach this stage.

Find Mayor Setter and Charm Reward

Alan Wake 2: Uncover the Delights of Mayor Setter (The Joys in Life Trophy/Achievement)

After locating all six booths, players can visit Saga's mind place to find a poster featuring the pup on the wall. Saga will express her excitement about finally meeting the mayor. Players should then proceed to Suomi Hall, located in downtown Watery. Upon entering, they will find Mayor Setter on the main stage, dressed in fur. Interact with him to give him a well-deserved pat on the head, which most players can agree is a welcome break from battling monsters.

By doing so, players will unlock The Nice Things in Life Achievement/Trophy and receive a unique charm named after the mayor. This charm is particularly useful as it will display all nearby collectibles and resources for Alan Wake 2 on the map when equipped.

Editor's P/S

Alan Wake 2 is a highly anticipated sequel to the critically acclaimed psychological thriller game. One of the most exciting aspects of the game is the inclusion of Mayor Setter, the adorable canine character who serves as the mayor of Bright Falls. Players can uncover the secrets of Alan Wake 2's The Nice Things in Life Trophy/Achievement by discovering the locations of all Mayor Setter signs in Bright Falls and Watery. Interacting with these signs and reading the slogans will lead players to the charming mayor himself, who can be found on the main stage of Suomi Hall in downtown Watery.

Players who successfully pet Mayor Setter will be rewarded with The Nice Things in Life Achievement/Trophy and a unique charm named after the mayor. This charm is particularly useful as it will display all nearby collectibles and resources for Alan Wake 2 on the map when equipped. Overall, the inclusion of Mayor Setter in Alan Wake 2 adds a touch of lightheartedness and charm to the game, providing players with a welcome break from battling monsters and uncovering the dark secrets of Bright Falls.