Actress Jessica Madsen Embraces Negative Feedback on Cressida Character in ‘Bridgerton’

Actress Jessica Madsen Embraces Negative Feedback on Cressida Character in ‘Bridgerton’

Jessica Madsen, known for her role as Cressida Cowper in ‘Bridgerton,’ welcomes and appreciates the ‘mean’ DMs she receives regarding her character, highlighting the impact of viewer feedback on her portrayal.

Why ‘Bridgerton’ Star Jessica Madsen Encourages Viewers to Send Her Mean DMs About Cressida

Why ‘Bridgerton’ Star Jessica Madsen Encourages Viewers to Send Her Mean DMs About Cressida

Jessica Madsen as Cressida Cowper in ‘Bridgerton.’ Liam Daniel/Netflix

Bridgerton actress Jessica Madsen is sharing about the messages she gets about her character, Cressida Cowper.

Madsen, 32, mentioned to People that the DMs she receives are quite "interesting." Fans are not exactly fond of Cressida, as she gets messages like, "I love hating you so much" and "Thank you for letting me hate you so much."

The actress is okay with viewers expressing their dislike for her character, Cressida, in her messages. She believes it shows she portrayed the role well. Sometimes, she playfully responds with a "You're welcome."

Madsen shared, "I don't take those things personally. The internet can be wild. But I do appreciate when people I meet enjoy the show. It's always lovely."

Why ‘Bridgerton’ Star Jessica Madsen Encourages Viewers to Send Her Mean DMs About Cressida

Why ‘Bridgerton’ Star Jessica Madsen Encourages Viewers to Send Her Mean DMs About Cressida

Jessica Madsen plays Cressida Cowper in the popular show 'Bridgerton'. In season 3, which debuted on May 16th, Cressida's character has been involved in a lot of dramatic moments.

Cressida's storyline in the latest season includes forming an unexpected friendship with Eloise Bridgerton, portrayed by Claudia Jessie. This friendship blossoms after Eloise decides to end her relationship with Penelope Featherington, played by Nicola Coughlan.

Madsen thinks that viewers are starting to see the true Cressida, not the "mean girl" they perceive her to be.

According to the actress, "Cressida's mask is coming off. We are witnessing her as a real person. We are getting a glimpse of her humanity and the reasons behind her behavior," she shared with People.

Elsewhere in the ton, Victor Alli, a new addition to the Bridgerton cast, shared with us his experience of playing John Stirling, a new love interest for Francesca Bridgerton (played by Hannah Dodd).

Alli expressed his joy in collaborating with Dodd to portray the blossoming romance between John and Francesca.

Alli exclusively told Us how much fun it was working with Hannah, describing her as cool, incredible, and an amazing actress. They enjoyed collaborating and sharing ideas, discussing their characters and the story during breaks. Alli learned a lot from Hannah and described the experience as a complete joy.

The first part of Bridgerton season 3 is currently available for streaming on Netflix, with the second part set to premiere on Thursday, June 13.

Editor's P/S:

Jessica Madsen's experience with fan reactions to her character, Cressida Cowper, in "Bridgerton" highlights the complexities of portraying unlikeable characters. While Madsen appreciates the acknowledgment of her performance, the negative messages she receives serve as a reminder of the fine line between fictional villains and real-life targets of hatred.

Madsen's portrayal of Cressida has evolved in Season 3, revealing a more nuanced and vulnerable side to the character. This development challenges viewers' perceptions of Cressida as a mere "mean girl" and invites them to consider the underlying motivations behind her actions. The unexpected friendship with Eloise Bridgerton further humanizes Cressida, showcasing her capacity for growth and connection.
