A Sweet Moment: Glen Powell & Sydney Sweeney's Wholesome Encounter

A Sweet Moment: Glen Powell & Sydney Sweeney's Wholesome Encounter

Get ready for a heartwarming treat! Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney's delightful encounter in the upcoming film 'Anyone But You' is set to warm your soul Stay tuned for this endearing release later this year

Article Overview

Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney, known for their roles in Top Gun: Maverick and Euphoria, star in the upcoming rom-com Anyone But You.

The film is anticipated to have an R-rating due to its sexual content and graphic nudity, under the direction of Will Gluck, known for his work on "Friends with Benefits".

A newly released still from the movie showcases a delightful moment between the characters Ben and Bea, portrayed by Powell and Sweeney, respectively. The scene takes place at a table adorned with delectable treats.

Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney, known for their roles in the blockbuster hit Top Gun: Maverick and the popular teen drama Euphoria, are featured in an image from the upcoming rom-com Anyone But You. This steamy film follows two individuals who initially dislike each other but pretend to be a couple while attending a destination wedding in Australia. As we eagerly await the December release of Anyone But You, a new image from the movie has been unveiled in Fandango's 2023 holiday movie preview.

A Sweet Moment: Glen Powell & Sydney Sweeney's Wholesome Encounter

The image shows Powell and Sweeney's characters, named Ben and Bea, sharing an encounter in front of a table filled with delectable sweets.

What To Expect From Anyone But You

A Sweet Moment: Glen Powell & Sydney Sweeney's Wholesome Encounter

Earlier this year, when filming for Anyone But You was still taking place in Sydney, the set photos featuring Powell and Sweeney in swimsuits caused a sensation on the internet. The excitement escalated even further when explicit footage, showcasing "lots of naked scenes" involving Powell and Sweeney, was screened at CinemaCon. It comes as no surprise that Anyone But You is expected to receive an R rating due to its explicit sexual content and graphic nudity. However, the official rating from the MPA has not yet been announced. The director of Anyone But You, Will Gluck, has had previous experience helming a provocative R-rated romantic comedy called Friends with Benefits.

The steamy set photos and footage generated a lot of excitement, but the first trailer for Anyone But You provided more insight into the story and the cast. Ben and Bea initially have an incredible first date, but their intense attraction quickly fizzles out. However, fate brings them back together at a wedding, and they decide to pretend to be a couple. While a lot of attention has been given to Powell and Sweeney, the talented cast also includes Alexandra Shipp, GaTa, Michelle Hurd, Dermot Mulroney, and Rachel Griffiths. With the release of a new image and another trailer on the horizon, anticipation for the rom-com's December premiere will only continue to grow.

Mark your calendars for December 22, when Anyone But You hits theaters.

Source: Fandango