A Game-Changing Twist: Lords of the Fallen Defies FromSoftware Tradition

A Game-Changing Twist: Lords of the Fallen Defies FromSoftware Tradition

A Unique Twist: Lords of the Fallen Breaks FromSoftware Tradition with its Unconventional Swamp Area Discover the pros and cons of this atypical zone in the game


Lords of the Fallen owes a debt of gratitude to Dark Souls, as several elements and mechanics are directly inspired by the Soulslike genre.

Surprisingly, Lords of the Fallen breaks from FromSoftware's tradition by featuring a swamp area free from poisonous effects. Although appreciated by some players, the absence of poison in the swamp could be perceived as a missed chance to uphold the traditions of FromSoftware games.

The influence of FromSoftware's Dark Souls on games like Lords of the Fallen is evident, as the genre itself takes inspiration from its name. Despite FromSoftware evolving its action-RPG formula over time, Lords of the Fallen still draws many elements and mechanics from Dark Souls. However, it surprises players by deviating from their expectations in one particular area. Typically, Soulslike games feature poison-filled swamps that gradually harm players. Hidetaka Miyazaki, the mastermind behind the series, has made this a well-known trope. In contrast, Lords of the Fallen features a swamp area that breaks away from this trope, allowing players to traverse it without the fear of poison effects. This unexpected twist is especially surprising considering the direct inspiration the game draws from Dark Souls.

The Pros and Cons of Lords of the Fallen's Atypical Swamp Area

A Game-Changing Twist: Lords of the Fallen Defies FromSoftware Tradition

In a Soulslike game, having a swamp area that is devoid of poison effects is a welcome addition for players who enjoy fully exploring the map to discover secrets, shortcuts, and lore. The dual worlds in Lords of the Fallen offer ample opportunities for exploration, which is often highly rewarding. Similar to the original Dark Souls, the game's map seamlessly connects and intertwines, creating a sense of realism in the fictional world of Axiom. The visually appealing graphics further enhance the overall experience.

It was almost a given that a swamp area would be included, considering that every FromSoftware game typically features some form of bog or marsh biome. The fact that players can navigate through Lords of the Fallen's swamp without the worry of poison adds a great sense of relief for those who tend to avoid Miyazaki's famously treacherous swamps. Moreover, the game frequently presents players with groups of enemies, and attempting to handle multiple adversaries while continuously dealing with poison damage would likely lead to frustrating experiences for players.

Lords of the Fallen pays homage to the original Dark Souls, drawing heavily from the game that is widely regarded as the pioneer of the Soulslike genre. The absence of a poisonous swamp in the game could be seen as a departure from the traditional elements seen in FromSoftware games, potentially missing an opportunity to honor the genre's conventions of difficulty and treacherous yet awe-inspiring locations.

It is crucial for Lords of the Fallen to establish its own unique identity as a Soulslike, considering its development history and the legacy it is currently reshaping. The original game, released during the early stages of the Soulslike genre, lacked originality and fell short of the quality found in Dark Souls. However, the recently launched reboot represents a fresh start for the franchise and a worthy successor to FromSoftware's classic. The absence of a poison swamp does not detract from the fact that studios other than FromSoftware are finally mastering the Soulslike formula.

Lords of the Fallen is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.