A Farewell to Two Beloved Xbox Game Pass Titles

A Farewell to Two Beloved Xbox Game Pass Titles

Saying goodbye to Galactic Civilizations 3 and OPUS: Echo of Starsong on Xbox Game Pass.

Last Chance to Play

Today marks the final opportunity for Xbox Game Pass enthusiasts to embark on thrilling adventures in two beloved titles: Galactic Civilizations 3 and OPUS: Echo of Starsong. These games have garnered immense praise from the gaming community, with 'Mostly' and 'Overwhelmingly Positive' reviews on Steam, respectively.

Galactic Civilizations 3 III Steam promo screenshot with game logo

Galactic Civilizations 3 III Steam promo screenshot with game logo

At the stroke of midnight on February 16, these gems will bid farewell to the Xbox Game Pass library. However, there is still time to immerse oneself in the captivating worlds they offer and perhaps even conquer one before they depart.

Opus Echo of Starsong Steam promo screenshot with game logo

Opus Echo of Starsong Steam promo screenshot with game logo

Predictable Departures

Microsoft's subscription service follows a pattern when it comes to the comings and goings of games. Titles like Hitman: World of Assassination and F1 2021 departed on January 31, with the latter exclusively available to PC Game Pass and Ultimate-tier members. Now, Galactic Civilizations 3 and OPUS: Echo of Starsong are set to take their final bow.

Galactic Civilizations 3 made its debut on Xbox Game Pass two years ago, while OPUS: Echo of Starsong joined the lineup in August 2022. These departures mark the end of an era for these engaging titles, leaving behind a legacy of memorable gameplay experiences.

Farewell to Galactic Civilizations 3

Galactic Civilizations 3, a 4X strategy game, offers players endless possibilities and strategic challenges. With gameplay that can span dozens of hours, it's a title that demands dedication and strategic prowess. As the clock ticks down, players are urged to savor every moment in this sci-fi masterpiece before it fades into the digital abyss.

The galaxy awaits exploration, alliances await forging, and empires await conquest in Galactic Civilizations 3. It's a farewell to a game that has left an indelible mark on the Xbox Game Pass community, a testament to the power of immersive storytelling and strategic gameplay.

OPUS: Echo of Starsong's Final Chapter

OPUS: Echo of Starsong, a visual novel adventure, offers a poignant and captivating narrative that can be experienced in just 10 hours. As players bid adieu to this enchanting tale, they are encouraged to embark on this emotional journey before it slips away from the gaming landscape.

With its intricate storytelling and rich character development, OPUS: Echo of Starsong has captivated players since its arrival on Xbox Game Pass. It's a bittersweet farewell to a game that has touched the hearts of many, leaving behind a legacy of storytelling excellence.