9 Surprising Flaws in Thanos' MCU Appearances

9 Surprising Flaws in Thanos' MCU Appearances

Unveiling the imperfections of the Mad Titan in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Misguided Plan

Thanos, the formidable villain who once held the universe in the grip of fear, is not without his flaws. Despite being one of the most iconic antagonists in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, his appearances have been marred by some unexpected imperfections.

Thanos in Age of Ultron with Infinity Gauntlet

Thanos in Age of Ultron with Infinity Gauntlet

The Mad Titan's early appearances in the MCU revealed a lack of foresight in his plan. It's clear that the MCU didn't have a clear roadmap for Thanos, raising questions about the consistency of his character and motivations.

Thanos (Josh Brolin) before being killed by Avengers in the Garden in Avengers: Endgame

Thanos (Josh Brolin) before being killed by Avengers in the Garden in Avengers: Endgame

The inconsistency in Thanos' character development between the movies 'Infinity War' and 'Endgame' is striking. While 'Infinity War' showcased a nuanced and complex portrayal of the character, 'Endgame' presented a shallow and one-dimensional version of the Mad Titan, diminishing his impact as a villain.

Thor fighting Thanos in Avengers Endgame's Battle of Earth

Thor fighting Thanos in Avengers Endgame's Battle of Earth

Despite being built up as the ultimate villain, Thanos' subsequent appearances in the MCU have progressively made him less intimidating. From being swiftly defeated to becoming a punchline, the once formidable Thanos has been reduced to a shadow of his former self.

Thanos and Thor powering up in Avengers Endgame

Thanos and Thor powering up in Avengers Endgame

The noticeable differences in Thanos' appearance in his early and later appearances are distracting. The re-casting of the character and the significant changes in his design create a disjointed portrayal of the Mad Titan, detracting from the continuity of his character.

Thanos (Josh Brolin) waiting for the Infinity Gauntlet in Avengers Endgame

Thanos (Josh Brolin) waiting for the Infinity Gauntlet in Avengers Endgame

Thanos' plan to eliminate half of the universe's population is called into question, as the Infinity Stones could have been used to double the universe's resources instead. This inconsistency in his logic weakens his credibility as a compelling villain, leaving his motivations open to criticism.

Thanos with his sword in Avengers Endgame

Thanos with his sword in Avengers Endgame

The MCU struggled to justify Thanos' comic motivations, leading to long-term complications in his character development. His desire to impress the personification of Death in the comics was hinted at in his early appearances, but the MCU's deviation from this motivation created a narrative challenge.

The Misguided Plan

The Misguided Plan

Despite being portrayed as an unwavering zealot, Thanos' convictions are easily shaken in the MCU. His willingness to reconsider his position and the ease with which he can be convinced undermines the strength of his character as a formidable and resolute antagonist.

What if made thanos very weak Ultron

What if made thanos very weak Ultron

Thanos' early appearances in the MCU were largely underwhelming, with the character spending most of his time sitting in a chair. This lack of substantial action and impact in his initial portrayals diminished the anticipation and fear surrounding the Mad Titan.

Thanos talks with Okoye in What If

Thanos talks with Okoye in What If

The relationship between Thanos and Gamora, a pivotal aspect of the character's motivation, was insufficiently explored in the MCU. The lack of depth in their father-daughter dynamic detracted from the emotional weight of their interactions, leaving their bond underdeveloped and lacking in impact.

Marvel What if Thanos return

Marvel What if Thanos return

The serious dialogue of Thanos has been overshadowed by its transformation into memes, diluting the weight of his words in the films. The character's iconic lines have become a source of amusement, undermining their original gravity and significance in the narrative.

What If...trailer steve rogers punches infinity gauntlet

What If...trailer steve rogers punches infinity gauntlet