The Enigmatic Threat of Arishem
Following the enigmatic cliffhanger of Eternals, the looming threat of Arishem, the Celestial judge, presents a compelling narrative for Eternals 2. The tension between rebel Eternals and Arishem's loyalists, set against a backdrop of interplanetary exploration, promises an intense and gripping storyline.
The Celestial Arishem holds members of the Eternals captive over Earth
The mid-credits sequence hints at a rescue mission, suggesting that Arishem's return would shake the very foundation of the Eternals' existence. This sets the stage for a cosmic showdown that could redefine the Eternals' place in the MCU.
Richard Madden as Ikaris with glowing eyes in Marvels Eternals
The Resurgence of Ikaris
Ikaris, a loyalist to Arishem, could potentially be resurrected to resume his battle in Arishem's name. His return, along with other 'deceased' team members, could add a layer of complexity to the sequel, pitting former allies against each other in a cosmic clash of wills.
Ikaris is tied down in Eternals' final fight
The immortal nature of the Eternals opens the door for Ikaris to return as a formidable adversary, adding a dramatic twist to the narrative of Eternals 2.
Richard Madden's Ikaris with glowing eyes in Eternals
The Multiversal Intrigue of Kang
Kang the Conqueror, with his multiversal connections and quest for the Celestials' 'Ultimate Weapon,' emerges as a fascinating candidate for the villain in Eternals 2. His potential to weave together the Celestials narrative through a multiverse adventure offers an exciting avenue for the sequel.
Jonathan Majors' Council of Kangs in Ant-Man 3 mid-credits scene
The groundwork laid in previous MCU installments, coupled with the unexplored depths of the Celestials, sets the stage for a captivating clash between Kang and the Eternals in a cosmic showdown.
Kang the Conqueror about to be beaten in Ant-Man 3
The Formidable Ghaur
Ghaur, a prominent and strategic Deviant, emerges as a formidable adversary for the Eternals in the sequel. His leadership of the Deviants and mystical prowess promise a thrilling challenge for the Eternals team, with the potential to expand the cosmic landscape of the MCU.
Ghaur attacks Atlantis in Marvel Comics anel
With the evolution of the Deviants and their interactions with cosmic entities, Ghaur's narrative offers an opportunity to delve into the deeper connections of the Marvel universe, making him a visually striking and compelling villain for Eternals 2.
Maelstrom looking creepy from Marvel Comics panel
The Conflict with Kronos
Kronos, an adversarial Eternal instrumental in a civil war, presents an intriguing conflict for the Eternals in their quest to liberate other Eternals throughout space. His opposition to the team's mission sets the stage for a cosmic confrontation that delves into the history and internal conflicts of the Eternals.
Kronos's different appearances in Marvel Comics
The narrative potential of Kronos leading a counteroffensive and battling the Eternals as they journey throughout the galaxy offers a fresh and captivating direction for Eternals 2.
Phaeder the inhuman from marvel comics panels
The Enigmatic Phaeder
Phaeder's connection to the High Evolutionary and his role in unlocking genetic experiments presents a compelling narrative thread for Eternals 2. His ties to the Deviants and the potential to explore the cosmic origins of the Marvel universe offer an intriguing avenue for the sequel.
Josh Brolin's Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War looking serious
With the resurgence of interest in the High Evolutionary, Phaeder's backstory could be a pivotal element in expanding the cosmic lore of the MCU, making him an ideal antagonist for Eternals 2.
Josh Brolin as Thanos clutching his neck in Avengers: Infinity War
The Menace of Maelstrom
Maelstrom, a classic Marvel villain with a prolific history, emerges as a sinister and monstrous antagonist for the Eternals in the sequel. His connections to the Inhumans, the Deviants, and other Marvel characters offer a rich narrative potential for Eternals 2, setting the stage for a cosmic clash of epic proportions.
Josh Brolin as Thanos about to die in Avengers: Endgame
The inclusion of Maelstrom in the MCU could pave the way for a thrilling team-up event with other Marvel heroes, adding a new dimension to the cosmic landscape of the franchise.
Thanos with a burnt face in Avengers: Endgame
The Return of Thanos
While Thanos is technically dead in the MCU, the potential for a prequel Eternals movie or series to explore his connection to the Eternals and the Deviants offers an intriguing narrative avenue for the sequel. His status as an Eternal with a Deviant gene opens the door for a compelling exploration of his origins and ties to the Eternals.
Josh Brolin's Thanos in his armor 2018's Avengers Infinity War
Bringing back Thanos to the franchise could revitalize the Eternals movie, offering a deeper understanding of the characters and their cosmic significance within the MCU.
Harry Styles as Eros/Starfox in Eternals' mid-credits scene
The Enigmatic Eros
Eros, Thanos' morally ambiguous brother, presents an enigmatic figure with the potential to assume an antagonistic role in Eternals 2. His complex relationship with Thanos and his ability to warp emotions offer a tantalizing twist to the sequel, setting the stage for a surprising and compelling narrative arc.
The uncertainty surrounding Eros's role in the MCU, combined with his ties to Thanos, opens the door for an unexpected villainous turn that could add a new layer of intrigue to the cosmic landscape of the Eternals franchise.