7 Things You Only Discover When Revisiting Hazbin Hotel

7 Things You Only Discover When Revisiting Hazbin Hotel

Unveiling the hidden gems of Hazbin Hotel that escape the first watch

1. The Enigmatic Number Seven

Upon closer inspection, the number seven weaves a mysterious thread throughout the narrative of Hazbin Hotel. From the seven-year silence between Charlie and her mother to the symbolism of the Seven Deadly Sins, this recurring motif adds depth and intrigue to the characters' journeys.


The number seven holds significant cultural and religious symbolism, often associated with completeness, perfection, and divine order. In Christianity, the Seven Deadly Sins represent the most common human vices. The seven-year silence between Charlie and her mother mirrors the biblical story of Jacob's seven-year servitude for Rachel.

One instance of the number seven in Hazbin Hotel is the seven-year silence between Charlie and her mother, the Queen of Hell. This time frame reflects the biblical story of Jacob's seven-year labor for Rachel, emphasizing Charlie's longing for her mother's affection and attention.

Another occurrence of the number seven is the symbolism of the Seven Deadly Sins. Each of the main characters in Hazbin Hotel represents one of these sins, adding depth to their personalities and motivations. The incorporation of this symbolism enhances the overall thematic exploration of sin, redemption, and personal growth in the series.

Charlie Morningstar Hazbin Hotel

Charlie Morningstar Hazbin Hotel

2. The Balletic Clues of Carmilla Carmine

Delve into the subtle nuances of Carmilla Carmine's character through her daughters' names, Odette and Clara. These names not only hint at her protective nature but also reveal her possible past as a ballet enthusiast or even a ballerina, as indicated by her attire and lethal ballet slipper heels.


Odette and Clara are characters from the ballet "Swan Lake," known for their grace and elegance. The choice of these names for Carmilla's daughters suggests a connection to the world of dance and adds depth to her character.

Carmilla's attire, including her ballet slipper heels, further supports the idea of her involvement in the ballet. The ballet slipper heels serve as a visual reminder of her past and add an element of danger to her character, as they can be used as deadly weapons.

The association of ballet with femininity, vulnerability, and the supernatural adds another layer of complexity to Carmilla's character. It suggests that her past experiences in the ballet may have influenced her present actions and motivations.

Carmilla Odette and Clara in Hazbin Hotel

Carmilla Odette and Clara in Hazbin Hotel

3. The Unlucky Wall of Hazbin Hotel

A recurring joke hidden in plain sight, the unfortunate fate of a particular wall in the Hazbin Hotel serves as a comedic backdrop to the chaos and destruction that befalls the establishment. Each attack on the hotel results in the same wall being demolished, adding a touch of dark humor to the series.


The recurring destruction of the same wall in Hazbin Hotel is a nod to the slapstick comedy of classic cartoons. It pays homage to the comedic tradition of physical gags and adds a touch of humor to the series.

The destruction of the wall also highlights the chaotic and destructive nature of the hotel's occupants. It emphasizes the constant turmoil and violence that surround the characters and adds to the overall atmosphere of the show.

Despite the repeated attacks, the wall's resilience becomes a running joke in the series. Its ability to withstand the continuous destruction adds an element of absurdity and reinforces the dark humor that permeates Hazbin Hotel.

Cherri Bomb in Hazbin hotel

Cherri Bomb in Hazbin hotel

4. The All-Seeing Eyes of Hazbin Hotel

Eyes, symbols of judgment and scrutiny, pervade the visuals of Hazbin Hotel, watching over the characters' every move. From architectural designs to character accessories, the omnipresence of eyes hints at a deeper layer of observation and evaluation in the afterlife realm.


Eyes are often used in art and literature to symbolize surveillance, judgment, and divine presence. In Hazbin Hotel, the omnipresence of eyes suggests that the characters are constantly being watched and evaluated.

The architectural designs in Hazbin Hotel prominently feature eye-like motifs, such as windows and decorations. This visual element reinforces the idea that the characters are under constant scrutiny and adds to the overall atmosphere of the afterlife realm.

Character accessories, such as pins and jewelry, also incorporate eye designs. These accessories serve as reminders of the characters' constant surveillance and the potential consequences of their actions.

The Hazbin Hotel-1

The Hazbin Hotel-1

5. Surprise Cameos and Crossovers

Explore the interconnected universe of Vivienne 'Vivziepop' Medrano as characters from Helluva Boss make subtle appearances in Hazbin Hotel. These Easter eggs not only nod to fans of both series but also hint at potential future crossovers, sparking excitement and speculation among viewers.


Vivienne 'Vivziepop' Medrano is the creator of both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. The inclusion of surprise cameos from Helluva Boss characters in Hazbin Hotel allows fans to explore the interconnectedness of Medrano's fictional universe.

These subtle appearances serve as Easter eggs, rewarding attentive viewers and fans of both series. They create a sense of continuity and build anticipation for potential future collaborations and storylines.

The crossovers between Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss not only spark excitement but also encourage viewers to engage with the broader universe that Medrano has created.

Charlie and two demons in Hazbin Hotel

Charlie and two demons in Hazbin Hotel

6. The Evolution of Alastor's Voice

Witness a moment of vulnerability as Alastor, the enigmatic radio demon, experiences a temporary loss of his signature radio-affected voice during a climactic battle. This fleeting instance sheds light on the intricacies of his character and adds a new dimension to his mystique.


Alastor's radio-affected voice is a defining characteristic of his character. It adds to his enigmatic and otherworldly nature, reflecting his role as a powerful and manipulative demon.

The temporary loss of Alastor's voice during the climactic battle reveals a moment of vulnerability and humanity. It suggests that even the most powerful and enigmatic characters have their weaknesses and adds depth to Alastor's personality.

This evolution of Alastor's voice showcases the complexity of his character and challenges viewers' perceptions of him. It invites further exploration and speculation about his origins, motivations, and potential for change.

Alastor holding a broken staff in Hazbin Hotel

Alastor holding a broken staff in Hazbin Hotel

7. Illusions of Maternal Devotion

Unravel the facade of maternal care as Charlie's perception of her mother, the Queen of Hell, is called into question. With revelations about Lilith's true whereabouts, Charlie's belief in her mother's benevolence is put to the test, hinting at a potential twist in the intricate web of familial dynamics.


Charlie's belief in her mother's benevolence is a central theme in Hazbin Hotel. It reflects her longing for acceptance and validation from her mother, the Queen of Hell. However, revelations about Lilith's true whereabouts challenge this belief and introduce a potential twist in the story.

The unraveling of Lilith's facade of maternal care adds complexity to the web of familial dynamics in Hazbin Hotel. It explores the complexities of parent-child relationships and the potential for manipulation and deception.

The exploration of Charlie's perception of her mother raises questions about trust, truth, and the nature of love. It adds a layer of emotional depth to the narrative and invites viewers to question the reliability of their own perceptions and relationships.

Lute talking to Lilith on a beach in Hazbin hotel

Lute talking to Lilith on a beach in Hazbin hotel