Young Sheldon is a prequel spinoff of The Big Bang Theory that follows the childhood of Sheldon Cooper before he became the beloved scientist seen in the sitcom. It debuted in 2017 and stars Iain Armitage as the younger version of Jim Parsons' on-screen character. The prequel provides insight into Sheldon's family, including his twin sister Missy and older brother George.
Sheldon, raised in Texas, stands out from his family with his extraordinary mind that is a rarity. However, while he grapples with basic social cues, his family grapples to understand him.
In The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon is a grown adult living independently and employed as a physicist. On the other hand, in Young Sheldon, he is depicted much younger, before the 2007 sitcom. With Young Sheldon now available on Netflix, here’s a breakdown of the timeline.
What year does Young Sheldon take place?
Young Sheldon is set in the fictional town of Medford, Texas in 1989, years before The Big Bang Theory. The timeframe is made clear by Sheldon's opening monologue, "Nobody I knew in East Texas in 1989 cared about Newtonian physics."
In the prequel series, Sheldon is just nine years old when he starts attending high school along with his older brother George. As a child prodigy and later Mensa-certified, Sheldon began his college studies at the age of 11.
The timeline of Young Sheldon takes us back to the early 90s, with numerous pop culture references to enjoy. Sheldon discusses new episodes of Star Trek, reads Watchmen comics, and even plays Dungeons & Dragons, the famed fantasy game that was at the center of the Satanic Panic of the 80s.
By the time Season 6 of the series rolls around, it’s the year 1992 to 1993. CBS is working on Season 7 of Young Sheldon, and the prequel is scheduled to conclude in 1993 and extend into 1994.
Young Sheldon Seasons 1-5 will be available on Netflix US starting November 24. Be sure to explore our additional coverage below:
Editor's P/S
As an enthusiastic fan of both "The Big Bang Theory" and "Young Sheldon", I am thrilled to delve into the captivating timeframe in which the prequel unfolds. Set in the fictional town of Medford, Texas in 1989, "Young Sheldon" takes us on a nostalgic journey back to the early 90s, filled with memorable pop culture references and societal nuances.
The prequel offers an intriguing exploration of Sheldon Cooper's childhood, providing insight into the formative years of the beloved scientist we came to know and love in "The Big Bang Theory." Iain Armitage's portrayal of the young Sheldon is nothing short of remarkable, capturing the character's unique mannerisms, intelligence, and social awkwardness with uncanny accuracy.
Moreover, the supporting cast, including Sheldon's family and friends, adds depth and humor to the narrative, showcasing the challenges and triumphs of growing up in a small town in Texas.
One of the things I appreciate most about "Young Sheldon" is its ability to balance humor with heartfelt moments, exploring the complexities of family dynamics, sibling rivalry, and the struggles of being a gifted child.
Through Sheldon's eyes, we witness the world from a different perspective, reminding us of the importance of embracing our individuality and pursuing our passions, no matter how unconventional they may seem.
As a fan, I eagerly await each new season of "Young Sheldon," immersing myself in the nostalgia and charm of the 90s while learning more about the origins of one of television's most iconic characters.
With its clever writing, talented cast, and captivating storytelling, "Young Sheldon" has undoubtedly earned its place as a beloved prequel to "The Big Bang Theory."