World of Warcraft Unveils Mind-blowing Character Customization Updates for Night Elves and Forsaken Players
Discover the thrilling world of WoW as Patch 1017, Fury Incarnate, introduces thrilling new customization options for Night Elves and Forsaken Dive into an immersive experience like never before with enhanced features for these iconic races
World of Warcraft Patch 10.1.7, called Fury Incarnate, will introduce exciting customizations for Night Elf and Forsaken characters. This upcoming content update is currently available for testing on the WoW PTR, allowing players to explore new public activities, gameplay features, and customization choices.
In this particular World of Warcraft patch, the Night Elf and Forsaken characters are receiving some exciting updates. The Night Elves will now have a revamped selection of tattoos and face markings. Female Night Elves will have the option to choose from various new body tattoos, while male Night Elves can mix and match their face and body tattoos. Moreover, male Night Elves will also have the ability to customize the colors of their tattoos. Additionally, both male and female Night Elves will have access to a new tattoo design that gracefully wraps around their eyes.
On the other hand, the Forsaken characters will have the opportunity to explore five new skin tones for both male and female models. These skin tones offer a range of colors, including muddy browns, dark grays, and greens, as well as shades of ashen and pale white. Both male and female Forsaken models will have access to these fresh options. These unique and murky shades perfectly complement the new Forsaken Heritage Armor in World of Warcraft.
World of Warcraft players are thrilled when new character customization options become available. Being able to make their characters more unique is always a welcome addition, and the fact that players can change their appearance for free at any barber shop makes it even more exciting.
However, there are still some options that players are hoping to see added for certain races. Night Elf fans would love to have Night Warrior-style tattoos and the ability to make their eyes resemble those of their Nightborne counterparts. Forsaken players are looking for options such as facial hair, black hairstyles and skin tones, and the ability to toggle an upright posture like Orcs have. Fortunately, the addition of more customization options is an ongoing process, albeit a slow one. As long as players continue to express their desire for more options, World of Warcraft will likely continue expanding its ever-growing selection. Now that Draenei can use Man’ari Eredar customizations, the possibilities are endless, and it is hoped that all players will eventually see their dream options become a reality.
World of Warcraft is available now for PC.
Source: Wowhead