Unveiling World of Warcraft's Revamped Black Dragon Aspect: Prepare to be Awed!

Ebyssian, the newly introduced Aspect of the Black Dragonflight in World of Warcraft, undergoes a stunning transformation in Patch 1017, Fury Incarnate Prepare to be mesmerized by the awe-inspiring new model of this powerful dragon!
The new Black Dragon Aspect, Ebyssian, will be receiving a model update in World of Warcraft. This update is part of the upcoming content update for the game. Patch 10.1.7, Fury Incarnate, was recently unveiled by World of Warcraft. While a smaller update, it features various additions such as new character customizations for certain playable races, Heritage Armor quests for Night Elves and Forsaken, and the introduction of the Dreamsurges public activity in the Dragon Isles.
In Patch 10.1.7 of the Public Test Realm for World of Warcraft, players made an exciting discovery related to the Dragon Aspects. It appears that Ebyssian, the new leader of the Black Dragonflight, will be receiving a new model. The Highmountain Tauren character is now donning armor reminiscent of Neltharion's appearance and the gear obtained through Fyrakk Assaults. One particularly notable aspect of this transformation is the large antlers that now emit fiery molten flames.
Initially known as Ebonhorn, the ancient spirit guide of the Highmountain tribe, Ebyssian was later revealed to be a dragon during the events of Legion. He subsequently played a role in Battle for Azeroth and Dragonflight alongside Wrathion before ultimately being chosen as the new Aspect of the Black Dragonflight. While the exact details of when and how this makeover occurs are unclear, it seems that Ebyssian is embracing his Black Dragon lineage rather than his upbringing in Highmountain as Ebonhorn.
Opinions are divided among players regarding Ebyssian's new design in World of Warcraft. While many believe that as an Aspect, he deserves the new model, others feel that it deviates too much from his original appearance as Ebonhorn. However, one aspect that impresses every player is his molten lava antlers.
In the Dragonflight, all Aspects except Merithra have undergone a makeover with the introduction of Ebyssian's new model. Merithra, the daughter of Ysera and now in charge of the Green Dragonflight, is expected to play a central role in Patch 10.2, which focuses on protecting Amirdrassil, the new World Tree. Players eagerly anticipate whether Merithra will receive a unique appearance in future updates, along with Ebyssian, as they fully embrace their roles as Aspects.
World of Warcraft is available now for PC.