Fallout 5 has the potential to explore various storylines, but it should not be expected for Synths to have a significant role. While Synths became an important part of Fallout 4's narrative, it might seem unconventional to drop them so quickly. However, there are valid reasons why Fallout 5's story can choose to minimize or exclude Synths altogether. Their presence in the next game's story could be limited or nonexistent.
Fallout's Synths have raised many questions, particularly after the events of Fallout 4. These synthetic humans are creations of the Institute and have evolved throughout the Fallout timeline. Nick Valentine, a character in Fallout 4, represents an older model of Synth, evident through his robotic appearance with glowing eyes and exposed machinery. However, by the time of Fallout 4, Synths have become nearly indistinguishable from humans in the Commonwealth. In fact, there are several characters that players can encounter who are Synths, and the players may not even realize it without the game explicitly revealing it to them.
Fallout 4's Synths Are So Important, But May Not Be Viable For Fallout 5
The role of Synths in Fallout 4 was significant, with multiple factions, including the Institute, explicitly involving them in their objectives. The Railroad dedicated themselves to protecting Synths at any cost, while the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 4 aimed to eliminate all Synths in the wasteland. Additionally, suspicions and conflicts arose among people regarding the presence of Synths, further complicating the situation. In Fallout 4's wasteland, the unawareness of many Synths about their true nature heightened the tension surrounding their existence.
The prominent role of Synths in Fallout 4 presents an opportunity for Fallout 5 to break away from tradition and avoid sidelining Synths. Due to their crucial involvement in Fallout 4, Synths became an integral part of the game's identity. It is nearly impossible to discuss Fallout 4's storyline without addressing the presence of Synths, especially considering that one of the potential companions is eventually revealed to be an unknowing Synth. If Fallout 5 were to focus on Synths, it runs the risk of appearing too similar to its predecessor.
In order for Fallout 5 to distinguish itself from its predecessors, it must introduce a new focal point for its storyline. Although synths have become a significant aspect of the Fallout universe, they may not be essential to the narrative of the next game. While Fallout 5 will undoubtedly be subject to comparison with the rest of the series, it does not need to invite additional scrutiny by prominently featuring synths. As a result, it is possible that synths will take a backseat in the events of Fallout 5.
Fallout 5 has been confirmed.