The Uncertain Future of Fallout 5: Navigating the Franchise's Alien Depiction

As the Fallout universe evolves, the inclusion of aliens can no longer be overlooked Fallout 5 faces a crucial decision on how to handle the Zetans, and could take cues from XCOM on their representation
The Fallout franchise has always had a casual approach towards its alien canon, leaving fans wondering about the extent of its commitment to extraterrestrial visitors. Although aliens have been a part of the game since its inception, with the first game featuring a flying saucer encounter and the latest Fallout 76 update including "Invaders from Beyond" in 2022, their significance in the series remains unclear. Drawing inspiration from the 1950s American culture, Fallout's references to the UFO craze of that era are hardly surprising. However, the franchise has surpassed mere references and storytelling, with Fallout 3's DLC expanding the alien lore and setting expectations for a potential Fallout 5.
Fallout's Aliens Can No Longer Be Ignored
Bethesda's inclusion of aliens in the Fallout series has become increasingly prominent over the years. While the "Mothership Zeta" add-on for Fallout 3 confirmed their existence, Fallout 76's Invaders from Beyond update cemented their presence in the franchise. The aliens, known as Zetans, now have a consistent design and recurring appearances in most Fallout games. As a result, it will be challenging for future games to ignore or downplay their significance in the Fallout canon. It remains to be seen how much further the series will develop the Zetans in Fallout 5 and beyond.
Fallout 5 Could Take XCOM's Approach To Aliens
Fallout 5 has the potential to delve deeper into the Zetans' significance within the Fallout universe by taking inspiration from XCOM's approach to incorporating alien technology. As the Fallout series has already explored genetic mutation and experimentation through Ghouls and the Forced Evolutionary Virus, it's plausible for Vault-Tec to have dabbled in human-Zetan hybridization in one of their secret experiments. By following XCOM's approach, Fallout 5 could allow players to research and assimilate Zetan technology, leading to a story about humanity's second chance among the stars. This would shift the focus from the aliens themselves to their science, effectively resolving the Zetan canon and preventing future games from facing the same dilemma.
Fallout 4 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.