Why Quick Fix Weight Loss Schemes Fail: Dr. Mike's 5 Effective Tips

Why Quick Fix Weight Loss Schemes Fail: Dr. Mike's 5 Effective Tips

Discover why online quick weight loss schemes often disappoint and learn Dr. Mike's expert advice on food, weight management, and combating misinformation in the wellness industry.

Season 9 of the CNN podcast Chasing Life With Dr. Sanjay Gupta delves into the intersection between body weight and health. We cover a wide range of topics, from the evolutionary reasons why losing weight is challenging to how to discuss weight with children. Listen to the podcast here.

The internet and social media are filled with marketing strategies. It's difficult to browse the web or use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok without being bombarded by ads related to your recent views. Cookies, algorithms, and other tactics track online users wherever they go.

The bombardment of advertisements promoting products, protocols, and procedures for weight loss and healthy eating can be overwhelming. It's hard to know what really works and whose advice to trust. Dr. Mikhail Varshavski, also known as Dr. Mike, is a family medicine physician in Chatham, New Jersey, who is on a mission to debunk medical misinformation and educate people. He shares his expertise with millions of followers on YouTube and social media, calling out so-called experts who promote dubious miracle cures as "I Know All" experts, a term he introduced in a 2017 TED Talk.

Dr. Mikhail Varshavski is known as Dr. Mike on social media.

Dr. Mikhail Varshavski is known as Dr. Mike on social media.

Dr. Mikhail Varshavski is known as Dr. Mike on social media.

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Dr. Mike recently shared with CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta on the podcast Chasing Life that the search for the fountain of youth is not a new concept. He mentioned how Ponce de León was searching for it many years ago, and we are still pursuing that today. Dr. Mike highlighted how the strategies for achieving this goal have evolved, with the emergence of social media as a new tool that doctors, who typically rely on evidence-based practices, are now exploring.

Dr. Mike explained that the I Know All (IKA) experts and their seemingly perfect products thrive in the gray area where science has not provided definite answers. Social media and the internet play a role in amplifying their messages.

According to Dr. Mike, the lack of clear answers in the scientific community creates an opportunity for these IKA experts to step in and present themselves as having all the solutions. This can be seen as a tactic of gaining trust through projecting confidence, making it seem like they understand your situation.

Physicians are trained to create a diagnosis along with other possible options, rather than claiming to know the exact diagnosis right away. When recommending treatment, they typically provide information on its success rate. In contrast, some experts confidently offer a one-size-fits-all solution without hesitation, claiming to have all the answers and guaranteeing results. This approach tends to attract a lot of buyers. To learn more about Dr. Mike's insights on weight loss, including the potential dangers of trendy methods like tummy teas, fad diets, and colon cleanses, listen to his discussion by clicking on the player below.

Want to avoid falling for false weight loss information online? Dr. Mike shares five helpful tips to steer clear of misleading advice.

Don’t believe quick weight loss hype

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

"Don't believe everything you see on social media; it's important to approach information with a healthy dose of skepticism. Dr. Mike emphasizes the need to be cautious, pointing out that there are reliable sources of information like government websites (ending in ".gov"), educational institutions (ending in ".edu"), and reputable organizations (ending in ".org"). These sources, such as the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's FoodSafety.gov and sites like Harvard Medical School's, can be trusted."

"In a humorous commercial about online dating, a man confidently declares, 'Always trust what you see on the internet,' despite lying on his profile. This serves as a reminder when it comes to online discussions about supplements. Dr. Mike advises that if something seems too good to be true, it's essential to engage your inner skeptic. Take the time to conduct thorough research on your own or discuss it with your primary care doctor during your next appointment."

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Black female runner in forest tying shoe, low section detail

Black female runner in forest tying shoe, low section detail

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Set yourself up for success with annual doctor visits

When it comes to primary care physicians, it's important to focus on establishing a strong relationship with a reliable medical professional. Dr. Mike emphasized the significance of forming a lasting bond with your primary care doctor, noting that he often encounters individuals in their 20s and 30s who rely on urgent care facilities for their primary healthcare needs.

"That's not the purpose of urgent care," Dr. Mike explained. "It won't lead to positive results, a strong bond, or the advantages of consistent care from one healthcare provider. These aspects are crucial."

According to Dr. Mike, this kind of relationship is vital for weight loss. He emphasized, "How can we support someone in maintaining weight loss without ongoing care? It's absolutely essential for success."

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Pouring cola water into the glass. Cola in summer. Cola soda. Cola at the party.

Pouring cola water into the glass. Cola in summer. Cola soda. Cola at the party.

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Avoid tunnel vision on a single fix

When it comes to weight and weight loss, it's important to consider many factors. Don't get caught up in obsessing over just one thing, whether it's finding the perfect diet, the best food, or a must-have supplement.

"Instead of focusing only on what you eat or take, think about the other factors that can affect your weight," advised Dr. Mike.

Making sure to get seven to nine hours of sleep consistently at night is important for maintaining a healthy weight as an adult. Along with that, it is also crucial to engage in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity.

Dr. Mike recommends making small changes to your daily routine to help with weight control. Instead of taking the elevator, opt for the stairs. Try walking for short distances instead of using the car for errands. These simple adjustments can make a big difference in managing your weight effectively.

Think both body and mind

When it comes to weight, don’t underestimate the role of your mental health.

Dr. Mike emphasized the importance of seeking help for mental health issues. He explained how poor mental health can lead to using food as a coping mechanism for unhappiness or anxiety. Depression and generalized anxiety disorder can be treated with therapy and medication if necessary.

Furthermore, Dr. Mike highlighted the connection between weight and mental health. He pointed out that mental well-being plays a crucial role in achieving and sustaining a healthy weight.

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Close up of Middle Eastern couple kissing

Aleksandr Kuzmin/Tetra images RF/Getty Images

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Create a positive relationship with food that’s built to last

It's important to have a good understanding of the food you eat, so you don't end up demonizing or excessively praising a particular food or ingredient.

For instance, Dr. Mike shared a story on his podcast about a guest who compared a chocolate kiss to a grape.

It's important to consider things in context. Comparing foods based solely on their sugar content is one way to look at it," explained Dr. Mike. "But when you take into account the valuable nutrients like vitamins and fiber, grapes are definitely the healthier option compared to chocolate.

Instead of sticking to strict rules about nutrition, it's better to have a general understanding of how different foods affect your body. By being more flexible in your approach to food, you can develop a healthier and more sustainable relationship with what you eat, leading to better outcomes in maintaining a healthy weight."

We hope these five tips will assist you in having a clearer perspective on food, weight, and the information you come across online. You can listen to the full episode by clicking here. Make sure to tune in next week to the Chasing Life podcast as we delve into the impact of various diets (keto, low fat, vegan) and meal timing on our weight and overall health.

This report includes contributions from Jennifer Lai at CNN Audio.

Editor's P/S:

The article sheds light on the pervasive issue of misinformation surrounding weight loss and healthy eating, particularly in the digital realm. It emphasizes the importance of skepticism and relying on credible sources such as government websites, educational institutions, and reputable organizations. The proliferation of so-called "I Know All" experts on social media who peddle dubious miracle cures poses a significant challenge, as they exploit the lack of definitive scientific answers to gain trust and attract followers.

To navigate this landscape effectively, the article provides valuable tips, such as avoiding quick weight loss hype, establishing a strong relationship with a primary care physician, and adopting a holistic approach that considers both physical and mental health factors. It also encourages individuals to develop a positive and sustainable relationship with food, avoiding unnecessary demonization or excessive praise of certain foods. By embracing these principles, individuals can empower themselves to make informed decisions about their health and well-being, while steering clear of misleading and potentially harmful information online. the emotional and psychological aspects of weight loss, the article provides a holistic approach that considers both physical and mental health for optimal weight management.